05 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt. 4 (Support and Belief)

When asked what I do; I reply writer. 

 Then I get asked what do I do for money. 

 Being a writer apparently to some is not something that one makes a living off of. I guess there is some misconception that the term starving artist also applies to writers as well. What often makes it worse is that people don't really understand that being someone who creates something from words can actually be a source of income. Now it's understood as of right now, that I am not making any money from what I do. Most of my income stems from other sources (which I will not discuss) but I am a firm believer in my talent. I don't think I will become successful from writing; I know I will. I assure myself everyday that what I do is going to take me far.

Which is where we start. Support and Belief. 

 Due to me being a Kuro-jin (that's homework for those who want to research) It's assumed that in order to make a career from writing; one must apply it towards music (rapping and singing specially) 

It's not widely considered for a Kuro-jin such as myself to be a novelist or screenwriter. That is the field I have chosen. I have been constantly torn down by people who don't understand that I am as gifted with a pen or keyboard as Micheal Jordan was with a basketball. I am confident in my abilities and try to never doubt myself. Some people can't believe that. I believe, because there is no reason not to. 

 I understand how difficult it is to become successful. Difficult is not impossible. Difficult is in being the underdog and yet still pulling off a win. Difficult is starting in 20th place, pitting, and then coming in the top five in Nascar. Difficulty is making that buzzer beater that ties the game or even wins it from fullcourt. 

 Difficult is not impossible...

 What I am choosing to do is not impossible. If you believe that you can succeed, then difficult is par for the course....but it doesn't mean you cannot overcome. I am already half there because I believe. I have learned to write a novel and a screenplay, because I desired too and I believed I could. 

Anytime there was something new, I always kept my faith in myself. Even when it was tough. I have seen the ugly side of the void (writers block) and I have seen the challenges that come from writing for a new medium, but I never turned back. Each experience made me stronger. No one can tell me that my work is bad, because I will always see the good in it. I have had critiques of my work before and inspite of the criticism; I always found one person who said they would turn the page or pay to see it in a show. That belief that there is at least one person who will be interested in my work helps spur me forward even when times are difficult. 

To quote Kamina-san to Simon from (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

"Don't believe in me who believes in you, don't believe in you who believes in me, believe in you who believes in yourself." 

If that isn't an epic statement I don't know what is.

There are always those who are quick to tear you down. Sometimes their reasons are from personal experiences, sometimes they are just mean spirited, sometimes they are tired..whatever the reason. Do not let them shake your foundation. I was told recently that I would not amount to anything, I wasn't going to go anywhere in life,I have empty dreams...in so many words this person considered me a failure. I have no time for those who only wish to see me fail. I have built up a strong support system around me of people who believe in me. They are my Gurren Brigade and I am their Simon. If they don't like something they tell me. Not out of spite or hatred but because it is important or needs to be said. Anything they say I treat as something of importance. Wes, Musa, Denise, Kimmy, Cornell, Terence, Mike, Mark. I surround myself with people who possess wisdom and strength of character. They can be harsh, but never unfair. Often one is treated as though what they decide to do will lead to fail. Often times others will not believe in our path. They see what we do as wasting our time. Did Fifty Cent think he was wasting his time? did J.K.Rowling think she was wasting her time? Did Mark Twain or Shakespeare think they were wasting their time? NO! And neither should you. Surround yourself with people who share either the same or a similar dreams. Don't let the weight of people's negativity hold you down. I guess sometimes it's difficult to find those that are positive than those who are negative....What did I say about difficulty? As a writer, I know there are many kindred spirits out there and I am constantly reaching out to those individuals. A strong support system will often times carry you through when it seems you feet will not.

So in closing, I give props to the greatest editor ever. Keep up the good work Denise!!! "no brain rackings" ok!

for more on Gurren Lagann goto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurren_Lagann

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