03 September 2014

#191 My thoughts on rape in literature and beyond

I'd like to think that being a writer I wouldn't be guilty of depending on the tried and true tropes of weak female roles in my stories, but after watching a certain video, I started to question whether or not I was guilty of being a part of the "boys club".  The issue at hand being the all familiar topic of rape.

(You'll have to pardon me as this goes all over the place)

I once wrote a rape scene into a story involving a male and a female.  Let me get that out the way.

In one of my unfinished works one of the protagonist was captured, beaten, imprisoned and subsequently sexually assaulted by a drunken jailor.  Unlike what is traditionally considered an easy method of generating horror and edginess I had a different reason for using such a topic. Now before the Twitter stream feminist get all out of sorts, let me explain the thought process behind this.

Motivation behind the scene.

The protagonist and the jailer are of two races that oppose each other with the world at large considering the protags race to be evil; The jailers race is considered "good". The jailer is more of a racist than anything else.  

The scene has the jailer drunk and out of control while the protag deals with the situation to the best of her ability.   When she is rescued, it isn't by the hands of a dashing male hero, but due to the magical gift bestowed on her by the gods of her enemy.  She extracts a brief revenge, but does not kill the jailer.

While the rape may seem to reduce the protagonist to a trope, it also shows what kind of world she exist in.  I did not intend to reduce the severity and heinoisity of the act, instead my intention was to draw a contrast between what is traditionally considered good and what is considered not good.

Rape under situations similar to this are not just porn for straight males.  They exist in every war and every battle field.   They happen all the time and while this doesn't excuse the act, it in my opinion does lead to the act as a literary tool.

The problem in literature and gaming as a whole, is that too many use it to invoke a feeling of hatred towards a character.  Want to make someone appear evil (prevalent) make them a rapist.   Often this is done for no other purpose than that.  Attacking the so called weaker sex is an easy thing to do when you are evil (insert maniacal laughter).  

If treated properly it can be a legitimate storytelling technique, but why is it so often just treated as a throw-away tool for those to lazy to justify the actions of a bad person and why is that action more often used towards females than anything else?  The reason won't surprise you.  

It's because to rape a female is an easy thing to do.  An evil character (most often male) is usually in a position of power and will use that power against a female character; often to break her will and reduce her strength.  It's such an "easy" thing to do, that it is done over and over again.  Most feminist feel (and to an extent they should) rape is more prevalent against women.  This is often the case; but rape is a reality and it is one that we have accepted as easily as we have accepted murder when it comes to storytelling.  I don't agree with raping a woman just to prove a point because the writer couldn't think of another way to handle the situation.  On the other hand because situations exist where rape stands as a possibility; I acknowledge that it has it's place.  That isn't to say that I think it is okay, but from a writer's standpoint, Rape, Genocide, Murder in the real world are horrible things, but in fiction well...they are what they are.  Another source to draw from.

Now before anyone get's upset, let me acknowledge that rape in fiction is a tool.  It is not one to be wielded by those unworthy of it.  Who is worthy of describing the sexual assault? A writer that knows it is wrong and sees beyond the act itself.  A responsible writer knows that the effects of rape last longer than the event itself and the damage can literally change a persons life.  People commit suicide because they are raped.  They consider themselves worthless, regretting every action that led up to the event.  Rape is like a parasite in the mind of the victim and often can never be cured. Let me end by saying this as the proud and viciously protective father of four girls.  


Rape is a serious issue, but it is an effective tool in fiction when handled responsibly, but what are your thoughts on it. I'd like to know what you think.  

Comment or leave questions below.


  1. Really nice article! Rape is terrible, and the world must fight against it. Unfortunately, as you said, they were and are common. The only way to extinguish rape is extinguishing this thought of people minds. Literature can be a way to make people realize how bad is rape. I think it is nice to deal with rape in books, but treating it as odious, never as acceptable.


  2. I also wanted to express that never do I feel that Rape is Ok. Genocide in fiction is still heainous but to an evil character, they might show delight in such an act. Other's must always view it as it is; something terrible applied to the speciest of the one inflicting it. Rape is often the same way, something used to express a characters point of view or position of power of another.
