28 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.19 (Moving Draws Near)

As things get closer and closer to saturday, the intensity of the workload increases. I only wish I could say it was writing. No chopping wood, moving old broken furniture, and shuttling boxes downstairs. I wish I really had time to get more writing done, but I am so exhausted, a pen would only be used to hold my eyelids open. I am exhausted now, but I figure I had to say something.

So before I try to lay down and relax before jumping in the coldest shower this side of the arctic, I thought I'd drop some words of wisdom.

Haters...or people possessing negativity. Do not let them stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Any story can be told, regardless if someone told it before you. You will be the one to make that story different.

If you believe it, you can do it.

School. Some of the richest men past and present never graduated. I'm not saying that you shouldn't attend school, but i'm not saying that you have to spend four years of your life to define your success either.

If you really want to write, then do it. It may not be the great american novel, but it will be great because you wrote it.

Have greater respect for the writer. Any movie can suck, but someone still had to write it, and thats hard work.

If you want to make film, learn and understand film. Read, research, watch movies. Don't just sit around and think a school will teach you everything...take the initiative and grab a camera.

Um..work smarter, not harder. Yeah I know it's very Scrooge McDuck-ey, but dangit..he was right.

Okay later for now. Will keep everyone posted.

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