22 July 2009

Rollercoaster: Unemployment

In the past seven months I have been having a really hard time. Today further compounded that fact. Life is not fond of me for some reason. As a matter of fact I think it kind of hates me at times. I think it doesn't try to hide the fact that it hates me. case in point. Since I was wrongfully terminated from Best Buy in April, i had been getting unemployment. I was using the money to help with my screenwriting and take care of household stuff.

One month ago; I was suddenly cut off and never told the reason; only that I was found ineligible. I wasn't given a reason as to why. So I figured hey they will send me something in the mail telling me why I was cut off.

waiting one week...nothing
waiting two weeks...nothing.

Finally after recertifying and not receiving a piece of mail in regards to my claim; i decided to go and see what was going on. Not I must add in that in the two weeks I had been calling and trying to get in contact with someone at the office. Of course...NO ONE ANSWERS THE FREAKING PHONE. EVER..call early..nothing...call late...nothing....call inbetween...nothing. My only option was to go down there. Only one problem. Place isn't accessible by bus; but that wouldn't matte because I had no money for fair anyway. Finally my friend Mike agreed to take me down there. Mind you it was late; but something was better than nothing.

Now I was going to get some answers...but the answers weren't what I had in mind. Where I had hoped that maybe previous employer was appealing the case...well that wasn't it. Due to some unemployment mumbo jumbo in regards to quarters from last years and other such technical malarky....my unemployment was cut off because I had not worked this time meaning around july-ish last year. Yes last year. Not only was I cut off, I am ineligible for an extension. So now all my plans that revolved around using unemployment to help further myself as well as stay afloat have been dashed. Was it my fault? Nope..I had not done anything wrong...but because of some technical issues that no one ever bother to explain, and some rug pulling by life...i have been cast aside by the money that I worked so hard to put into a system that is obviously FAIL! I wasn't given any choices in the matter, nor had I been considered when such issues were determined. I was just another number who would meet the receiving end of the unjust system of bureacracy.

Now I am without a solution. All my plans which revolved around something that I was supposed to be able to count on, have been dashed to the most jagged rocks of unfairness and the harshness of reality. I can't even say I will look for another job, because that like so many other things require money...something that I don't have...

The pain from the recent devastating blows in my life; are further compounded by this one. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to go on...or even if I should. Maybe I should just find some small hole somewhere and just dry up.

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