24 October 2011

#113 Living as the invisible man

This is not a post on my own self loathing or a pity party, but more of an observation or at best a matter of perspective.  Nothing I am saying is set in stone, but since I have no one who reads this blog anyway, I don't think that it matters much.

The problem of living as the invisible man.

For a long time, I have dealt with a secret hidden power that was created out of a survival instinct based on severe shyness.  It is social chameleonism.  The ability to blend into a group of people regardless of who they are, and speak and act as they do.  I was never a popular person so fitting with the "in" crowd was something very difficult for me.  I developed social chamelonism, to at least let me blend in so I wouldn't be noticed and ridiculed.  It allowed me to pass through without getting any ones attention, and in some cases allowed me to be completely invisible to those who might have sought to do me harm.

Unfortunately for me, the ability is out of control.  It is always active.  SC has taken root like a worm and invades everything that I do with a subtly that is hard to detect.  From the way I dress, to the way I talk, to the way I act.  The chameleon shell is the first thing that gets out and filters every action so that no matter what I do, it never gains me attention.

The shell is doing me more harm than good.

I am no longer in need of anything to protect me in such a way.  It is unfortunate that I cannot merely get rid of the shell, because I can't see where it starts and where it stops.  It still makes me invisible and when trying to pursue a career as a writer and producer, being invisible is a liability.

If you didn't know by now, and since no one reads this, I have produced my first book Eiko but no matter how much I tweet, digg, reddit, facebook, stumbleupon and press release, I cannot get a single person to buy my book.  My family included (though to some degree they can be excused, due to their financial situations)  No matter what I do, I can hardly get people to notice my talent.  I've put up a concentrated effort, and yet for some reason that I am unaware of; I remain invisible.

Even on Amazon Studios, where Eiko first achieved a measure of acclaim as one of the first semi finalist of the contest. I posted a topic in regards to a new story I am considering posting on the site.  All that I asked was for someone to give me their honest opinion as to whether they thought I should or should not, based on the amount of information given.

No response after nearly a week.  I could see tumbleweeds moving across the plains.

I know that success is an elusive thing, but how does the invisible attain success when people don't see him.  That is my next goal.  Find out how to develop, cultivate and maintain a following of people who want to see what I have to offer.

My desire to succeed is greater than the cloak of invisibility around me.   As long as I refuse to give in, I will not fail.

1 comment:

  1. And your first line

    "This is not a post on my own self loathing or a pity party, but more of an observation or at best a matter of perspective."

    is a great example of making it about you. And the "no one reads it anyways"

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is a pity post.

    And its about YOU.

    Start it out about being an observation, matter of perspective, or commentary on your observations and study of human interaction and the social world.

    That makes it about your reader.

    You are passing on knowledge and matters of perspective.

    And back to getting readers and views...

    Google search on Keyword Analysis and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

    Don't worry about advanced features of these things, just start throwing together the basics.
