01 January 2012

#137 Tips For Creating Content (bloglet)

We are responsible for creating the content that drives the media, drives the internet, and ultimately drives the world.  Our ability to craft the unseen, the unheard and the impossible is what gives hope to millions, entertain the masses, and keeps industries employed.

Creating Content is an effort that is taken by so many, and yet there is so much more that can be done.  Creating content is what we do, and we have to continue to do this.  It may not be easy, but it is a worthwhile task.

The keys to creating good content are so many, that I couldn't possibly list them all, but I'll mention a few and you can discover the rest.

Find your niche.
You have to find whatever it is that you are good at, and make content based on that.

Make quality content.
The content itself is only as good as the quality.  Make good quality content and people will flock to it.  Make bad quality content and people will flame you on teh internets...lol.

Engage Your Audience.
You have to engage your audience.  Invite them into the world you are creating.  Make your fans a part of it.  Established YouTube Celeb FreddieW holds all sorts of contest and has invited get togethers with fans.  You have to engage your audience and get them to want to support you.  You have to listen to their suggestion no matter how random they are.

Don't Be Afraid To Take Chances.
Creating content whether it is you-tube,  blogging, fiction or anything else is tough, but if you are afraid to take chances, you are afraid to succeed.  You must be willing to take chances, or else how can you reap the benefits of success.

Be Humble, Not A Doormat.
You catch more flies with sugar than you do with crap.  You will always be asked to do things, because you are a content creator, and that is fine.  Just don't be a doormat.  Always be willing to speak up for yourself and never let anyone walk all over you.  If you are creating something and someone seems to want more from you than you are willing to give.  Walk away.

Don't Worry If It's Been Done.
There is nothing new under the sun, so don't worry if your content isn't the newest freshest thing out there.  Put your own vision into it, and make something that has your finger prints all over it.  Somebody will notice your touch, and they will enjoy it.  Everyone has their own unique signature touch that they apply to the things they create.  If you haven't discovered it yet, don't sweat it.  You will.

Learn and Learn More.
No matter what sort of content that you are creating, you will never know it all.  So in between creating content, take the time to learn as much about your craft as you can.  Not only learn about the craft, but learn about the business of your craft.  Take the time to study the things that are important to your craft and its success.  You will be better off for it.

Study Others Success...(but don't do what they do.)
Someone once said that in order to be seen you must stand on the shoulders of giants, and I agree.  Find those who are success in the field/craft that you are in, and see the things that they do.  Examine the elements that they have put together, but don't emulate it.  It may have worked for them but it won't always work for you, still it is important to know what makes others successful, because if you can find the secret, then you can find ways similar to that will work for you.

Be Patient.
Rome wasn't built in a day and your following won't be either.  Learn patience.  It really is a virtue, and one that you need to have.

Learn To Let Other Know What You Are Doing.
Tweet it, Facebook it, share it on forums, let people know what you are doing.  Tell people you just meet.  Bring it up in casual conversation.  You never know who someone else knows and you never know who might be willing to help you.

Just Ask (if you don't know)
The internet is a wealth of knowledge, and there are people out there that are always willing to share, but how will you know unless you ask.  They might be busy, or too inundated with request or messages, but you never know.  Your message might be the one they take the time to respond to.  Remember when asking to always be polite and courteous.

Be Consistent (or at least try to be)
Always try to maintain a certain level of quality in your work.  Even when you top yourself, make sure that you have a baseline for what is considered normal.

Depending on the type of content you create, will determine how frequent you produce new material.  So when it comes to writing, that is a more lengthy endeavor than say Youtube Videos.

Understand the importance of branding.
Your content is your brand.  Protect it, and promote it.  Use it as your platform and do your best to create from there.

Don't underestimate Twitter. (EVER!)  
140-characters you say? What can you do with that?  Think about it.  If I yell "HELP?" does that get any ones attention?  Now what If I yell, "HELP, someone's trying to kill me?"  Does that get anyone's attention?  You'd be surprised of what you can do with 140 characters.  A lot of people tweet these days and almost every major celebrity in nearly every major form of entertainment can be found on twitter.  Even the people that you follow might tweet, and it can help you out in ways you cannot imagine.

Remember there are always more things to learn and more things to create, so get out there and get to creating.


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