01 March 2012

#144 The Greatest Injustice (for a writer)

It is said that their are great injustices in the world.  To me the greatest of injustices as a writer is never to aspire to be greater than you are.  As a writer we are of a different breed.  Not greater or lesser than any other artist and craftsman.  We are designed with different brains than the rest of the general populace.  However just like any other skill, talent or trade we often find ourselves in a situation of comfort.  Once we have arrived at that level and have been there for a while, we will stay there.  It's comfort food for the writing soul.  We often attempt to stay here and lean on this comfort, because it is just that; a comfort.  Think of a favorite pair of shoes that we continue to wear, or a favorite bar that we always go to.  We do those things because we enjoy them.  They are familiar to us, and we like the environment.  If possible we would stick with them until we die.

We associate comfort with many things, and that become an unfortunate problem to writers.  We become so comfortable, that we don't seek to change anything about our talent.  If possible we would write the same sort of thing as long as it provided us with that comfort.  That comfort could vary from fan approval or even money. This is a problem faced by writers because many don't see a need to "fix what ain't broken."

What I am saying isn't that you have to fix or change anything, at least not in the direct sense.  No what I am suggesting is different.

I believe that all things benefit from change, evolution.  If something does not change with the times, it is often left behind.  An actor who plays the same role is considered a one-trick pony, or type cast.  The same thing can happen to writers.  If J.K. Rowling wrote the same book for the rest of her career, (magick boy discovers he is a wizard) it would do well for a while, but then after the next books were the exact same type, she would start to lose fans.

In spite of that comfort, one must be willing to take chances.  You must always aspire to improve yourself, no matter what you do.  We writers will range from poor, to good to great.  I will always aspire to be great, and never will I stop.

You must always aspire for greatness and seek to improve yourself, inspite of the difficulty.  Don't let that comfort be the crutch that holds you back.  Keep fighting and improving and go out there and get what you deserve and take what you have earned.

Don't let the great injustice take a hold of you.  Aspire to be greater.

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