08 December 2012

#164 An Offer You Can't Refuse (But got refused anyway)

I'm not the greatest writer or editor in the world, but I know a thing or two.  Anyway I have a colleague who wishes to write his own comic.  This comic has been simmering for nearly a decade.  Unfortunately it's poorly written and terribly formatted, still the idea has a lot of potential and with a bit of modernizing and reformatting, it could be a contender.  So in order for me to fix it (and fix is the right word) I offered the following terms.

I agree to your terms of two-hundred dollars for the work I am about to outline right now.

First of all, I will edit the first issue of your comic.  In these edits, I will rework dialogue, change some of the plot, and modernize the characters. Before submitting for art, you will go over the work and approve.

Second I will handle all negotiations with the artist. You will sign off on art that you approve of, if you have questions or don't like it, you are responsible for giving me notes and information so that I can get the artist to change it so that it is more to your liking. Artist is paid separately and those terms will be negotiated between me and the artist based on what you are willing to accept.

Third. I will set up a blog page for you using Word Press. You will pay for an inexpensive custom domain, that I will provide. The world of web design has changed. I happen to know a good domain provider who will allow me a discount. 

You will be responsible for all advertising fees, but I will use some of my internet know how to gain free advertising that pays, like Google Adsense.

Fourth. Once the website is setup, I will set up a Facebook and Twitter account with links on the page.

Fifth. You will be responsible for writing your own work and keeping up to date with the tools that you need to get it done. 

This is a one month deal and we will see how the following months proceed. 

We will be using a milestone system to keep track of progress. 

Milestone 1: submission of script to me
Milestone 2: script approved (all edits done and approved)
Milestone 3: Script submitted to artist
Milestone 4: Artist sends back first test pages (basic pencils)
Milestone 5: Pencils are approved
Milestone 6: Artist finished pencils and inks (colors are optional because of they are expensive.)
Milestone 7: Completed pages are placed on the website.

All of this can be completed in 15 days with enough preparation If you agree, then I expect the first half of payment upfront. The second half upon completion of milestone 7.

Were these terms acceptable/unacceptable?  

Mind you, they ended up flaking out trying to walk back on the price after they accepted it.

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