14 September 2014

#194 Don't Feed The Trolls

gerund or present participle: trolling
  1. 1.
    make a deliberately offensive or provocative online posting with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

Trolling on the internet is here to stay (unfortunately).  The internet is full of the vicious spewers of hate and rage (not to be confused with rage face)  They will always find something to hate.  Recently after posting on some of my favorite sites and forums about the Aisle Seat Books Kickstarter, I've found the goal of trying to get people interested in it has been besieged by trolls.  They aren't the Your a f** type, instead they are the kind who try to find a reason to disprove everything that you try to accomplish.

When posting on one site, I've seen how trolls work first hand and it's kind of discouraging. They've used their massive intellects to post reasons why Aisle Seat Books won't succeed. I won't repost the details but Ed has been a great leader in deflecting their barbs.  Sure they raise some good points, but those points are primarily opinion.  These individuals have even gone on to ask about certain data on ASB, which Ed won't post.  Then I'm reminded about how no matter what evidence you present; people will still find reasons to disbelieve.

These individuals don't present themselves as experts, but attempt to present their points as one.  The only expert in the building is the one who spear heads ASB having been a successful publisher for over 20 years.  

Who would you believe in?  The successful independent publisher who has a successful business model and could be on to a revolutionary idea or some unknown guy(s) with a ton of attitude and know-it-all-ness but have proven absolutely nothing?


I'm not a hipster but I have been a pretty good judge of trends. 

I've been told over my thirty-something years...

Nerds aren't sexy.
Dragon Ball Z will never be successful in America
Anime inspired live action films will never find a place here
Comic books are stupid
Video games are a waste of time
Only geeks have computers

This is no different than these nuggets from history

Someone once said that "cinema was an invention without a future."
"Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible."
"Who the h_ll wants to hear actors talk?"
and a host of others like the ones found here

History is filled with naysayers who are closed minded because they can't see the potential behind something new.  People will always find a reason to knock something down, but will remain quiet when something that they hated proves successful.

If it seems like I've gotten trolls and haters confused; don't.  Haters are (far too) often trolls of a different color.

What do you think?  Like, Comment and Share.

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