13 March 2016

Daily Kenanism: What we become...

You've heard the saying don't work to fit in, work to stand out.  

Many do not realize how important this is, as a quality to possess.  Many spend their lives to keep up with the stat-quo.  They buy clothes they don't like, listen to music they hate, or or hold some view they don't believe in.  All of this and more  just to be part of a peer group or social opnion, in fear of being ostracized. 

They compress their being into somethingthat doesn't represent the core of who they are.  It's not a trope or  cliche'.  It is a real issue and it is wrong.

We are not born nor do we die, to fit into a role.  

Each of us is born with the ability and potential to change the world.  Each person has that ability, no matter the circumstances of their birth, or the geographical location.  We don't realize how much we can affect the world, but most people who did, never would have believed it either.

What if I said that one day you will you will break away from a group that you are a part of now.  During that breaking period you will attain the knowledge to change the direction of humanity.

What if I told you...

How you make it happen, good or bad all depends on your actions.  You have greater control over who and what you become.  You have the potential for all sorts of greatness.  You could be the mind that develops a great invention or brings the stars closer.  Many of the greatest of minds are still drooling and leaving full diapers for their parents to change.  There are tons of great minds that haven't even hit their stride yet.  I knw I haven't.  

Be a great individual.  

Don't be the nameless sheep that fits in with all the other sheep.

Be someone who stands out, who is unique and who brings something valuable to the world.  

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