12 April 2016

The personal manifesto of Kenan Brack

I...am in a battle with the world. 

The world has become my enemy. It takes things from me. Friends, loved ones, opportunities.

The world presumes that It has all the power to suppress me. The world assumes, that I will just take whatever action it delivers towards me. The world is not kind, and in fact quite cruel. The world takes, takes and continues to take. It took from me five years ago, it takes from me today. The world is sadistic and unrelenting. It never explains why it does what it does, but it could never justify any reasoning to make it ok.

I've lost much, too much to even measure. I've lost family, I've lost friends, I've even lost children to the world. I don't handle losing those things -precious- to me very well. The world even takes my life, every second of every day...until one day I am too feeble to fight back. There is no greater enemy than the world. No greater bully than the world, no greater threat to happiness than the world.

But I am not a quitter. It isn't in me to give up. To roll over and play dead like some sort of well-trained lapdog. The world has always begged me to fight back. It's counting on it, for the greater my fight, the greater its victory when it kicks my ass...and it will...someday...but today isn't that day. 

When I wake up in the morning, I will face the world. I will take whatever punishment it meets and I will deliver in direct retaliation. I will NEVER stop fighting against the world because to stop fighting means to die..and I plan on living for a while. While I cannot stop the poison the world injects me with, I can train my body and mind to resist. While I can not stop the effects on my will and my spirit, I can find the strength to carry forward. When the world is done, it will have ultimately claimed my life as it's reward...but that day is far off.

Let this message be a warning to the world. You will end me someday, but I'll go fighting every step of the way. You may take from me more loved ones, but I'll love the ones who remain even harder with every loss. You may break my mind someday, but as long as I can still draw breath, -We- will fight you in the darkest corners of my mind.

I may never be able to claim victory against you, but I damn sure won't make it an easy fight.

Sincerely...Kenan "Nytmaer" Brack

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