05 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.1

Most of you know that I have beenn working hard to become successful. My chosen field is writing. I have completed a few screenplays and a novel, as well as various bits of writing. So since I have decided on this path, I've run into various obstacles, but I am determined to find success no matter what.

Today I've made some headway into finding management. A few weeks ago, I compiled a list of management agencies. I had a friend call those agencies to see who was taking unsolicited submissions. A few of the agencies were only taking those represented by an entertainment lawyer or literary agent. However a few were taking unsolicited submissions. I will be following up with these agencies in the next few weeks.

I wanted to send out a public apology to a few people...
Stephanie Mayer the writer of the Twilight Series...

Dearest Stephanie. I am sorry that I bad mouthed Twilight so much. It wasn't out of jealousy that I said evil things about your book, but about the elements of mary-sueism present in them. No more is this present than in Bella. However I will say that I there are elements of your work that I thoroughly enjoy and your story for getting published is currently mirroring my own struggle. Now I am not going to jump on the complete Twilight bandwagon, but as one author to another, I respect your talent and wish you all the best. I hope that I get to meet you some day. Vos es stilus excellentia.

Christopher Paolini the writer of Eragon
Dearest Christopher. Like Stephanie, I admire your success though I refuse to read Eragon or any of your works. I do however respect what you have done and feel that in a sense we are kindred spirits. The Earthsea Trilogy was given to me by my uncle and was one of the first fantasy books I read. While some may say that you have borrowed to much from the elements that inspired you; i say who doesn't. I commend your ability to craft a story that has done quite well, and wish you further success. Exsequor bonus opus

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