13 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.10 (A more personal matter)

This is a blog entry that helps me cope with my anger, and I am very angry about something. About six months ago, me and my family moved into a new house that we were going to rent. The house was in a good neighborhood, had a good school in the area, and the house was nice. We all liked it. The rent was reasonable, and but three of us were working, so we were going to make it work. We were going to stay there until we got old if possible.

But as with most fairy tale stories...it wasn't meant to be.

In The middle of April, we found a sign on the door of our house. A notification that our home was in foreclosure. What was worse; the individual we had been paying rent too, wasn't the home owner. We talked to the real estate agency handling the case and they gave us the lowdown...and lowdown was right. Our landlord was not the owner of the house as he had claimed, someone else was. We had been paying this man to stay here, while the house was in foreclosure, and it had been so for at least six months prior to us moving in.

Our "So called" land lord shows up on the first week of May to collect rent. We tell him what we knew. he swears up and down that he bought the place and asked for the letter. Of course we gave him a copy. That was the last we saw of him. Yep his ass never showed his face again.
So now we are in a race against time. The real estate has foreclsed and we have to move out. We have to find a new place that will fit all of us with a certain budget in mind, and right now that is so tough. Since I lost my job the amount has decreased and now I am fighting against unemployment since they suddenly declared me ineligible out of the blue without any reason why.

The morale in the house is low, because we don't have any choice. Money is tight and we still aren't really prepared for this. We were fleeced in every degree and yet the law can do nothing for us. That makes me so angry. You can sue anyone for anything unless you actually are in a bad predicament caused by someones greed. It's beyond being not fair...it's just evil.

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