10 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.9 (Fridays Wisdom and Retrospective)

The waiting game for success is never quick. Regardless of who you know, nothing comes over night. Rome wasn't built in a day right? While I wait to hear back from the management companies and deal with the inevitable move that my family has to embark upon (again :( ) I often find myself looking for other things that will help move me forward and closer to my goal. Sometimes it's re reading my screenplays or working on my current project. Sometimes it's finding other places to send my work, or when there is a few things on my mind, I write blogs like this. When I go through these troubling times, I try to get things off my chest and put things back in perspective.

My affirmation for today are the following.

I am a success! No matter what I do, I will complete and exceed all expectations.

I am reminded of why I desire success, when ever I see my girls. That is a good reason and I know that success no matter how far it seems, is never that far away.

This week I made some serious strides towards my goal and I want to keep up that good work.

I helped Mark with a logline for one of his projects (which was easier to do because I have a problem with doing such for my own)

I have contacted management companies and sent in query letters, loglines, synopsis's (is that really plural? I mean does it need an apostrophe? never mind)

With Denise's help I was able to finish my bio. This was something that had been kicking my butt for the longest.

I was able to come up with some logical conclusions for my horror film project.

I think I was able to do a few things that have given me the sensation of moving forward, while moving from side to side at the same time. A fairly productive week. Now I must double my efforts and see if I can achieve much more. The words of my uncle Erik ring true. "This is good, but it's the work that's important. Keep at it."

Well said Uncle Erik!

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