16 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.13 (Dealing With Disappointment)

Many of you know that I share a deep love for comics and such. I have literally been trying to break into the industry for years. Which leads to my current topic....Dealing With Disappointment.

Recently in the midst of dealing with a very hectic life, trying to get representation as a screenwriter, and publishing my novel; I decided to get back to writing comics as well. It's not to say that I had given up on it, but after completing close to fifty issues (gve or take) without an artist to support me well it's no wonder I put it on the back burner. However comics are never too far from my mind. My issue was always a reliable artist willing to take on the scope of the project. Most recently I thought I had one, but things fell through. After watching my friend Quentin go thru artist like old shoes; i could kind of relate. And yet it’s not something most wanted to deal with.

Let me bring you in closer to what I am talking about. Getting one of my favorite comic stories published is amongst those lists of dreams that I have. It serves as a brass ring that has carried over from my teen years. It is amongst the important things in my life. I have come close several times, but have never made it all the way. That's when disappointment sets in.

As writers, artist, creators..We all will face the inevitability of disappointment. It's just something that can't be avoided. For writers it could be that your story is rejected, or your story is changed from you original vision. For artist it could be your work isn't what someone is looking for, or your skill in one area brings down the rest of the work. Disappointment comes from many factors in the creative process. From start to finish; there are few areas that won't routinely see the feeling of disappointment; of being let down.

Disappointment is a breaker. It can stop you dead in your tracks and make you not want to pick up pen, keyboard, sculpting clay; ever again.

But disappointment has been countered by it's good alter ego; Fulfillment. Every opportunity for setback and disappointment is also an opportunity for fulfillment and success. They key is to not let them stand in your way. Learn from every setback and use it to spring yourself forward. Learn to harness the power of criticism. Harsh words can tear us down; but they can also spur us forward.

When I received harsh criticism over a section in my novel; I used that time to see what others saw and as an opportunity to improve. If I didn't agree with what they said I left it alone, but if they hit on something that I missed, I explored that section and rewrote it if necessary. The point is to not let disappointment stop you. It's only an obstacle, and any obstacle can be overcome.

Me personally I have quite a few disappointments to overcome; but I know that everyone can be challenged and defeated. Want to see a few of them?

Kenan's Current Setbacks

Currently no representation for screenwriting

Have various comic ideas and no viable artist to work on them

Have to re-edit my novel so that I can send it in; all 600+ pages of it.

Working on a horror story; but have never written anything in the horror genre

How will I overcome these setbacks? I don't know. There will be many dissapointing parts in the path that I have chosen, but the point is that I won't let them stand in my way.

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