08 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.6 (Inspiration)

As I await the future of what ever life has in store for me, my thoughts drift onto what inspires me. There are several different types of inspiration, each one a valid source of encouragement and mental nourishment. I could go into these different types of inspiration, but I'm instead going to go for what inspires me, and you might possibly gleam some information from that.

Oriental Heroes: From the time I discovered it, to this day, I am a fanatical fan of the series.
Even to this day, I am still wrapped up in the
series. As far as a fine example of chinese comcis, Oriental Heroes comes it at number one.
Now that my inner fan boy has been released..

why does the series inspire me? The details in the artwork, the way it is so different from traditional Manga, and leagues different from traditional american comics. It's descriptive and awesome sounding moves. It truly felt like a Samurai sunday movie brought to paper. While the storyline was confusing, especially if you came in during the american run, it was still a good read. I'm still trying to fill in my collection. Oh the movie ( Dragon Tiger Gate) was awesome. Watch it, if you like the series.

Fred "The Man" Perry
This one goes without saying. Anyone who knows
me, knows I love GOLD DIGGER the comic
published by Antarctic Press. This series has been a favorite for years due to the level of comic ingenuity, humor, high quality artwork and progressive story telling. In reading Gold Digger I was able to study what made a really good comic, and therefore a really good story. Gold Digger taught me something about open ended-ness in story telling. It was through Gold
Digger that I was able to find
entertainment and education. I also found out that Fred was an african american veteran of the gulf war who did his own coloring, inking and scripting. The man is a beast when it comes to production value, and he even does his own animation. I got to meet Fred and not only is he an awesome artist, but a good down to earth person.
I have learned a lot of things from reading Gold Digger and learning about Fred Perry. Having met him I feel I picked a really good person to idolize and
serve as someone to inspire me. Fred did what he set out to do. Gold Digger has
been around for like fifteen years and is still doing well. I would like to see Fred succeed even more. I honestly believe that if I can succeed so can I help Fred as repayment for what he has done for me. I am a loyal fan like that, but I also am grateful like that. Besides..if you've seen my Facebook image. Fred drew that for me.

My Girls(this is a plural phrase.)

I have more than just children that I have to take care
of, but I will focus on the four darlings of my heart. Siana, Jorielle, Malaya and Makala. Four beautiful young ladies, who will eventually become young women. Young women need stuff, and as a father I have to provide. With this economy being what it is, I have to look after my little girls and provide a world and a place where they can follow their own path. Whether it be schooling or not, I have to become successful so that they have the means to acheive whatever their heart desires. I did not come from a poor background, nor was I blessed with a silver spoon, but no matter what I want them to have what I didn't. They are the world to
me, and give me the strength to persevere through anything.

Denise and her Cars (lol)
My editor and gf wants a charger and a corvette. I'm sure she would even accept a Challenger as long as it has a Hemi in it. She works very hard to make sure that my work is clean, grammatically correct and looks nice. She puts a lot of effort into reading over my work and asks for little in return. I mean a 40k car isn't asking for too much. Her desire to see me succesful isn't for selfish reasons. She beleives in me, and does what she can to support me. When preparing to edit my fantasy fiction novel, she sat
through two hours of Lord of the Rings, just to understand what an orc was. Anyone who knows Denise, knows that she isn't really into that sort of thing. Her desire to help me forced her to watch a movie that she might have ignored otherwise. That is why she helps me so much, because she believes in me. I don't think I could ask for more than that, and I am inspired because of her love to succeed at all cost.

Monty Oum
For those that don't know who Monty Oum is need to see his works. While there have been many cool things in the past year or two that have caught my eye, nothing has caught me by the creative balls, like DEAD FANTASY. Monty really surprised me with the level of work and the production quality. Most of all, he managed to create a story that was visual (with practically no dialogue) and intense without being overdone. He had created something that even holywood has yet to reproduce. Monty has an eye for animation and choreography. Dead Fantasy was not a million dollar production. Not even a thousand dollar production. It was an excercise to produce a quality work with high level production value utilizing commercial software and hardware...i.e. He did it at home on his computer. Everything that he use, can be purchased easily. What Monty did was utilize his skill and imagination to produce a work that has captured the attention of many. People are eager to see what he comes up with next. Mr. Oum, Monty if you will; has captured the American Spirit. He took what he had, worked the land so to speak and came up with something amazing. He didn't need a lot of money, just time and hard work. I'd say after watching Dead Fantasy, Haloid and a few of his other works, you will see why I am inspired by him.

J.K. Rowling, Stepanie Mayer and Christopher Paolini
(Harry Potter) (Twilight) and (Eragon)

I admit that I love Harry Potter, but I was not so kind towards Eragon and Twilight. Admittedly I had a lot of dislike towards Mayer and Paolini. I felt jealous of their success for what I deemed a subpar stories. I can admit when I am wrong. I forgot one of the main things about being a writer. Not everyone will like what you write. I was looking at the wrong end of the scale. What I should have been looking at was how they made their desire come true, and that is how they now serve as inspiration. Ms. Rowling was on public assistance, Mrs. Mayer had to struggle with query letters and searching for management. Paolini's parents helped him self publish because they believed in him. Each one speaks volumes to me. There was never a case of silver spooning through life in either of these cases. they each were lucky and fortunate, but that same luck could apply to anyone. They worked hard and acheived a level of success that many people including myself wish to emulate. I no longer have feelings of jealousy towards Mr. Paolini and Mrs. Mayer. Instead I wish them future success and possibly even the chance to sit down with them when I become successful. Perhaps to talk of our struggles together.

Mind you this isn't everything...but there is more to come on inspiration, and possibly questions of what Inspire you.

Until Tomorrow.

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