08 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.7 (Inspiration cont)

Continuing on with yesterdays blog, I shall further talk about inspiration and what possibly inspires you.

Anime and Manga
For as long as I've recalled, I've been into anime and manga. Since the mid to late 80's when Robotech and Dragon Warrior were on TV. To the early 90's when I got into Dragon Ball Z
and Record of Lodoss Wars. Anime and Manga were a huge influence on my creative style. I learned to understand more and more of this strange form of communication and the more I understood, the more I craved. It is anime and manga that got me interested in Japan as a culture. Now Anime and
Manga are everywhere. On tv, in music, in the movies, and I feel that as a fan I had something to do with it. Not in the singular sense but as a part of a great movement. It was us the original fans that bought the video tapes untranslated just to see the visuals even if we didn't understand the words. Anime still serves as a major influence. Every year I attend Anime Central because I am as much of a fan in my 30's as I was in my teens.

Fantasy Fiction
While I didn't get in on this as early as I would have liked (due to lack of interested parties) was a big fan of D&D type fantasy. I watched the
original cartoon and even read issues of Dragon magazine. My interest really started when I got into an anime called Record of Lodoss Wars. As I got into the series, I learned that the series had been influenced by D&D. This was important, because one of the first manga stories I wrote in the early 90's, was HEAVILY influenced by ROLW, which in turn influenced by D&D. As I got older I started to get into Shadow Run and D&D Novels. They really captured me, unlocking a part of my brain that led to open possibilities. I started buying all sorts of different novels, and getting my hands on related fantasy material. My uncle Erik had given me three books by Sci Fi Writer Ursula K. Le guin. I was enraptured by the storytelling and the messages contained within. As years passed my desire to create and work with fantasy was only furthered once I met my best friend/olderbrother/mentor Musa Lindsey. Musa was a lot like me and had done some pen and paper playing. He really got me into it. Even today still, we play Champions on Thursday. Musa got me into playing a MUD called Sojourn, later replaced with Duris. MUD were MMORPG's without graphics. You had to imagine what was happening, but playing them is what was truly awesome. You used your mind to bring you to a place where there were only words. Some great characters were created from that (Telvar, Miara and Miarka, most of all the legendary theif Kellyx). Even
today the legacy of fantasy is strong and influences a lot of what I do. I wrote a novel devoted to my love of fantasy, so that shows how it inspires me.

Martial Arts (and other forms of combat)
In the early eighties when kunf fu movies were many but badly dubbed, there was Samurai Sunday. I was a fan to such a degree, i'd get mad if I missed it. Because of it and repeated airings of Enter The Dragon, I became a martial arts fan. Over the years I
have been a martial artist and martial arts stands as a common theme in my work. While I am not the greatest in any particular field, my study of martial arts has given me an outlook on it's use that only comes from having performed it. Martial Arts is still a major part of my life and is a very strong inspiration for me. I love martial art movies and watch them on a regular basis. As a screenwriter, I still dream of meeting some of my all time favorites (Donnie Yen, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Gordon Liu, Sammo Hung) I know that some day I will get the chance. Martial Arts is not just physical to me, it is also mental. Elements of good versus evil, or overcoming adversity can often be displayed through martial arts. As a person who knows of struggle, it is easy to show those struggle in the use of martial arts...and it makes for awesome fight scenes.

Kind of morbid, but I have a fascination with the undead. I don't know why. Amongst a certain group of friends who have picked a chosen monsters...mine is represented by zombies. Maybe it's the psychological effect of seeing a once living corpse walking towards you. I generally cannot get enough of zombie material. From games to movies, I am enthralled by them. Hell I might even come back as one. Zombies inspire me in screenwriting especially, as I want to rip the rules of zombie films like a fresh corpse, and bring it to life in my own way. Not as it once was, but something different..as different as a human is to a zombie..lawl.

Friends , Family and Others
I know a lot of dreamers and do-ers. Because of this I am determined to become successful not just for my own sake but for the sake of those who are important to me. I realize that becoming successful could create opportunities for people I care about. For those that are writers, it could lead to open opportunities for them. For those who are artist, could definitely lead to chances for them to shine. I am a firm believer in sharing the knowledge that I possess, but I also believe in sharing the success. I want to become successful for those who have not been. Success is a hard road and everyone isn't aware of the best path. I want to use what I know, and what I become to make it easier for others. I have done it so far, and will continue to do so. I firmly believe that success is filled with obstacles and many who have it don't really let anyone know how they did it. I won't be like that. I want to help other writers and artist become successes in their own right. I won't just give anything away, but provide a hand to guide those that wish to carve their own path. I've even considered starting a NFP for authors and writers to help them by providing assistance and guidance in their pursuits. I want to use what I know to help others who don't know.

In it's own way, success is it's own inspiration. We strive to be successful because there is something greater that we want out of life. We want to change our lot in life and somehow make the world a better place for someone other than our selves. Sometimes our children, wives, husbands, friends, whoever it may be. You don't want to fail because you don't want to let down those who may be depending on you, or those that just believe in you. Success becomes your inspiration to succeed. A sort of infinite loop. Considering the possibilities you want more than anything, more than anything at all to succeed. My reasons are varied, but each one as just as the next. I have kids so they are the primary reason, but there are others. I want to show those who didn't think that I could that I can. I want to prove that being a black doesn't mean that you are limited to music. I want to prove to myself that I can do it. There are many reasons, but who really needs reason when it is what you truly want. Success is the only outcome for what I do and that in itself is all the inspiration I need. "I feel tha need...the need to succeed")

What Inspires you?
I've talked alot about what serves as my sources for inspiration. I am eager to know what your dreams are and what inspires those dreams.

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