09 September 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.33 (The Lucky Ones)

Last night me and Denise watched a movie on HD Television. The movie was The Lucky Ones starring Micheal Pena, Racheal McAdams and Tim Robbins. An enjoyable movie that I borrowed from my good friend Mark. After the movie was over; I started to think about how lucky I actually am. My life is not one of lavishness and wealth, but somehow I manage to survive. I continue to survive because I am one of the Lucky Ones.

I am a humble man, no better, no worse than the next. Above average intelligence, average looks. I am no greater, no lesser. I should only exist, merely flowing along with the river of life. I however choose not to flow where life wants to take me. I am no mere trout. I will do more than swim upstream. I will cut a path through the forest, dig through the dirt, whatever it takes to make it where I want to be. I am that determined.

Somebpeople don't have that determination. Some are content to just exist but I am not. I have many people who want me to succeed; who believe in me. This is what makes me one of the lucky ones

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