09 November 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.48 (Comics and Consequences)

It's been a while since I last wrote in my blog.  I guess I have been busy with birthdays (plural) writing and just trying to stay busy while keeping my nose to the grindstone.  I have some good news to share, though it has to be taken with a grain of salt and reality.

Not too long ago I mentioned that I had finished my third screenplay.  Well I let a good friend read it and he like it.  No I mean he really liked, enough to want to turn it into a comic book.  More precisely a three to four issue miniseries.  Now this is not the happily ever after story that I would hope.  As with any project there is going to be some red tape.  There are a lot of issues going on in the comic book industry and that means that I will have to wait for thing to go from red to green.  Turning this screenplay into a comic book is also more of a personal goal than a money making cash cow.  The industry has seen better days, but I know enough to believe in the positive.  At the least getting this turned into a comic will give me a little bit more leverage for getting the screenplay optioned.  That's the ultimate goal.

So until I hear from my buddy about when or if to start writing the script for the comic adaptation (which I have started) I will continue to push forward.  I've already started on the sequel and though it will take more time to complete, I will be just as satisfied with the results.

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