07 December 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.52 (Why I Chose To Be A Screenwriter)

There is a simple answer.  Because I think I am damn good at it.  Now don't get me wrong, there is no misplaced ego here.  I really do think I am pretty damn good at writing.  While I have dabbled in other forms of written media, I think fiction is probably my best area.  So the answer as to why I choose to be a screenwriter isn't complex to understand.  Being a screenwriter is partially a means to make up for the fact that I cannot draw.  I have no visible artistic abilities.  A stick figure is the best that I can muster on a good day.  That was a very hard realization early on.  No matter how much I tried, or how much I studied and practiced; I just could not draw.  This was hard for me; because I wanted to create comics.  A writer for comics is only as good as his artist; and artist are expensive.I bought books on art and stuff, but I just could not do it.  So instead I focused on what I was good at...writing.  I've always written my own works. Created countless characters, backgrounds, universes; so it was just a natural thing.  I've even had artist do work for me, but this became an expensive endeavor and since I didn't know any artist personally; well you can see the problem.  I decided from there that I would become a triple threat (comics, author and screenwriter).

I had already written quite a few comic scripts (though none yet to be published due to lack of artistic accompaniment) and I proceeded to write my first novel.  I am a big fantasy fiction fan and so I authored a fantasy novel based on a universe I created back in the early nineties.  After completed the six hundred and something page opus, I knew that I had the means to become what I was supposed to be.  Now before writing a novel, I knew nothing about it.  Sure I've read countless books over the years; but as everyone knows reading a book isn't the same as writing one.  I started doing my research, buying books and using the web as a tool to fill in the knowledge blanks.  It took a while, but I managed it and felt satisfied with what I had created.  I wasn't finished yet; and so I charged into the final part of my triple threat plan; writing a screenplay.

Just like with working on a novel, I knew nothing about writing a screenplay.  Writing one was going to be a challenge because I didn't understand the rules and such.  I only knew that a movie has a beginning, a middle and an end.  Things such as sluglines and Ext. were foreign concepts, but if I could write a novel, I could write a screenplay.  I managed to get my hands on a little program called Movie Magic Screenwriter. MMS took a lot of the guess work out of the actual writing process, which only left me with the actual understanding and concept of the screenplay itself.  I started to read screenplays on the Simply Screenplays website.  some of my favorites were The Matrix and Predator.  They were good examples that showed me how a movie doesn't always stick to the script, and how some scenes are written and then filmed.  Using this as well as a few books such as (Screenplays for Dummies , and How Not To Write A Screenplay) I started working on the first screenplay.  This one was a character I created in highschool from a picture that a friend did for me.  I knew this character very well as well as all the things that would be make a good transition from comic to screen.  There were a lot of extra pieces that I had to add in order to flesh things out, but if there was any story that I could flesh out; well this was definitely the one.  It took some time and a few rewrites (mostly because I lost the originial version and had to rewrite from the sections that I had left) but I managed to complete it.  After a lengthy editing period (where Denise made the pages bleed with red ink "Pots, Stops, Treetops..yeah hahahaha") It was finished.  I had done it. Finishing this one really gave my confidence a major boost.  Denise who wasn't into this sort of thing (action movies mostly) really liked it.  I knew that my Triple Threat Plan was solid.  Somehow I would make this all pay off for me.

Let it be said that me writing is never about money or any real financial gain.  While I expect (demand) to make a living from it, I don't have a lofty dream of becoming super rich and driving around in fancy cars (Well a Corvette would be nice). I am a story teller.  That is what I do.  I see writing as being no different from working a nine to five or even working your own business.  You get what you put in.  It may take a little more time for the payoff, but there is one.  I see a pretty optimistic future, and my writing will be the tool that will take me there.  If you think about it, I am no different from a rapper, doctor, actor, director or president for that matter.  Will my writing change the world?  Who knows? but I sure hope so.

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