09 December 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.53 (What I learned from J.K.Rowling)

What I learned from Harry Potter, and J.K. Rowling’s style of writing.

Never spoil too much too early.
Keep a mystery going through the book and another one, a bigger one through out the series.
Introduce character who may seem like only background characters, but are so much more by the time the series ends.  For instance the Grey Lady is really Helena Ravenclaw, and the person responsible for the missing Ravenclaw Artifact, to which Voldemort turned it into a Horcrux.  Even the bloody Baron is involved.  They were thought to be nothing characters and proved to be necessary to the story.

Have a shift to when the main characters  get beat from time to time.  Something puts them at a disadvantage,   Stuff like that.

Make a lot of close calls.  Battles very nearly won by the slimmest of margins.

Have some important down time, so that the characters can recover and reflect.

Don’t disclose too much in narrative.  If you have done it in the first fifteen chapters, rewrite it, and make note of it.  It should be revealed through events, not narrative.

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