28 December 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.55 (Right and Rewrite)

It dawned on me after looking at the order of my postings and I realized that I wrote 56, before 55.  So i will take this opportunity to sort of fix that.

Recently I have been working on my novel; that I (lols) mistakingly assumed that I had finished.  Besides the various plotholes, and tense problems; I ran into another problem....POV.  There was too much of it and the whole thing was far to scattered to make sense (except in my own mind). I was left with a dilemma; a very big dilemma.  I could scrap the whole thing and start over from the beginning or I could try to fix what I had already done.  This was a major decision and not one to take lightly.  Starting from the beginning meant I would have to type, type, type and type some more to get what had taken me years to accomplish.  There was a benefit in doing so; such as being able to tighten up those unfortunate tense issues and getting better control of the story, but I didn't want to do that.  I felt as though I already did the work so what point would it be to do it again.  The only other option was to fix what was broken.  This was not an easy task to undertake; and based on my previous pov issues; would be a momentous task.

I knew what had to be done and set about doing it.  In the process I discovered something a little better about the story.  Where the story had been weak; I had a chance to make it stronger.  I could take more time to fix the broken elements and flesh out the others.  After adding some new content to bring things along; I was left with something greater.  I had started with enough new material that the side story could be it's own story.  While it was originially a subplot; it really started coming into it's own.  I had always loved the characters I created, and this seemed to give them more breath.  I also had to flesh out the world, down to the city they lived in, but for some odd reason it just worked.  I still have more work to do; but my story is coming along pretty well.  I have a deadline given by Denise to finish it by her birthday, but I kinda think I may be able to pull it off.

I guess the lesson here, is that more creators dont like to do rewrites on their work because they usually have the parent child complex (its perfect just the way it is)  but sometimes rewrites bring out more of the natural qualities to help the story shine.  The first idea may be solid, but the second idea is sometimes better.  I shouldn't be too unfamiliar to doing a rewrite.  At least three of my major stories; i've had to do rewrites for.  As much as I love them; I will change them if I feel like change is necessary.

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