27 December 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.56 (Just some thoughts)

I would like to say that I am sorry for my negative attitudes both past and present.  This has been a very hard year for me and my family.  Its been pretty rough for us and weve had a really hard time. Its weakened my resolve and crushed my spirit and in that I forgot what I vhave to be thankful for.  I will try to amend that in the coming year.

Thoughts and Musings

Some might say that I live in a world of my own creation.  As a writer this is very true.  I see things in a different light and that is why I've chosen to write this blog about my own potential and what the future may hold. 

Some say it’s better to be a has been than a never was; that is to say someone who accomplished something than someone who has accomplished nothing.  Every one wats to accomplish something in thei life that they will be remembered for but most don't know what that is.  They don't know how to accomplish the task or they don't have the will to make it happen.  Every year people make resolutions to lose weight or stop smoking because they see the New Year as a chance to do something different.  Well I say SCREW THAT. 

If you want to change your ways and make things better than why wait.  Start now.  Take your life into your own hands and do things now.  Don't wait for things to happen for you cuz you will be waiting forever.  Be known as someone who did instead as a person who waited.  I don't want to be that person I am will be that person.  Life is too short for waiting and time isn’t like change from a purchase (you don't get it back) take every opportunity to improve yor life and do it now.

I realized that the life I live is one of my own creations and that everything that has happened was either through my own action or inability to act.  I've made lots of mistakes, costly mistakes, upset and hurt a lot of people and haven't lived up to my potential as a man or a father.

So with these realizations it’s up to me to make these next twelve months and all the months afterwards to make not just a better life but te best of life.

I've made some realizations and some resolutions that I will work on.  Sure there are things like lose weight and stop snacking but I want to go further.  I want to reinvent myself to be a better person.  I want to learn, to challenge, to grow and most of all to succeed.  And so I will.

It all starts with a  desire to change things and make them better.

Happy New Years everybody.

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