27 January 2010

Carving A Path To Success Pt.61 (You Are Not Alone)

Michael Jackson once said in a great song.

For you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
For you are not alone

Often writing can be a lonely process.  Writers are often though of as single men and women hunched over a typewriter in a room filled with a lot of books.  Even now as the work of writing is usually done on computers, it only changes the sound of the klick-klack of a typewriter to the tick-tack of computer keys.  The lonely writer image remains.  Sometimes you feel alone.  You feel as though it's only you and the characters you write about.  

You are not alone.  The world is a great big place and it has gotten a lot closer since the invention of two things.  The internet and social networking.

As a writer, I often asked myself why I always felt alone.  I never got any help from anyone for a long time.  Then I realized that the world was out there.  I had friends who were just as creative as I was, and while they may not have been writers, they knew creativity.  You are not alone echoed in my mind.  

No matter what you may think.  If you are reading this, then you are not alone.  You see the world wide web is a tool no different than the computer you are reading this on.  If you are able to search Google and listen to music, then why can't you find support for your writing.

There are so many writing groups out there for whatever genre or style.  You are not alone.

I know that some people may not be convinced by my words, so I will spin off in a different direction.  Everybody is connected by the web in one form or another.  It's sort of like six degrees of Kevin Bacon, except it's much larger.

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