10 May 2010

Carving A Path To Success Pt.67 (Dee Eye Why)

Recently after a bad period of events I decided to get into film making.  Now I was already working on becoming a screenwriter and I did so, ignoring the obvious. Numerous books have said if you can't get it made in Hollywood; make it yourself.  I figured well my movies are too much for me to handle on my own.  Then after a while, I started thinking about it.  How hard would it be?

I thought about what my objections were to making a film.

Objection 1:  Money.  I has none.
Over ruled. 1:  I don't really need money to make a film just a desire.  Now I can't make some sort of super epic, but I could take a video camera and just film a basic story.

Objection 2:  I know nothing about film making.
Over Ruled 2:  I am a cinemaphile.just like Quentin Tarantino, and I even worked in a video store.  I've watched ovr 200 movies in 2009 alone, and have been a budding cinematographer since my backard wrestling days.  I have put together my own wrestling intros to music.  I've read books on the subject.  I'm no master director, but I have the framework in place to do so.

Objection 3:  I have no story to film.
Over Ruled 3: I wrote one.

Objection 4:  I have no actors.
Over Ruled 4: I can act.  I may not be the best, but as my friend Shawn Avery put it.  "If you know how to lie, you know how to act."

So with all my doubts and hesitations out of the way, I set out to make a film.  With the internet as my school I had every resource that I needed.  If I truly sought real actors, then I could find them on the web.

I also had the proof of other moderately successful low budget films to spur me on.  Even if they were horror related.

So that's why the name of this installment is called Dee Eye Why which is just another way of saying DIY or Do It Yourself.  Because I have the drive, the means and the tools to make a film myself.

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