06 October 2010

# 71 Real meaning of Struggling Screenwriter/Film maker

When I hear stories of how people struggle as film makers or as screenwriters, I often wonder how much struggling do they consider struggling.

Let me tell you what struggling means in my life.


...when all your dreams are met with a wall that is all but impossible to get over.
...when no matter how smart you are, you can't even get a job at a McDonalds or as a Bellman
...when you get fired for reasons beyond your control.
...when unemployment screws you over, with out telling you why or how the will fix it.
...when child support takes all you have leaving you with not even enough money to survive.
...when your fiancee' is expecting within a few months.
...when your screenplay makes it past the readers to the mucky-mucks only to be shot down because it would be too expensive to produce.

...when you make plans to film on a day where everyone is available, but the main component becomes unavailable.

...when you have bad credit, no 401k, no collateral, no bank account, no job.  You have the monetary worth of -0

...when you are in a constant  fight against severe depression and ADHD, but you don't have the means to get medical treatment for it.

That's struggling...and that's only half of it.

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