10 February 2011

#81 Dealing with AAS Holes

This is what started it all.

Writers should automatically think that their writing is terrible, and only after several years, and endless rewrites, only then they should feel comfortable with their work.
You can tell the amateurs by those that whine about bad reviews.
That guy Mike Coady has an atttitude, “Fuck you, I don’t care what you think; you like it, or don’t like it.” Not in a dick-ish way either. He’s actually written several different stories and didn’t just write a shit story, try to polish it, and then tried defend it to the death like all amateurs do. He writes a story, and then moves onto the next story.
Real Hollywood studios wouldn’t even respond to the query letters with 99% of the loglines entered into the AS contest, let alone read the terrible stories.
This first “bonus” contest saw a lot of “trunk” scripts entered, which was good, because it got a lot of the terrible screenplays out of the way.

KSB says:

Where did you get this nugget of wisdom? Whose logic do you follow? Why should writer believe their work is terrible. A writer should be humble and accept worthwhile criticism but they should also accept that nothing is perfect and everything needs work. A story may only be one rewrite away from being great.
saying only amateurs that whine about bad reviews is like taking Sarah Palin’s stance that anyone who disagrees with her is Un-American. You have every right to whine and bitch about a bad review because some people tend to be very critical for the wrong reasons. Just because you have the right to bash someone’s work doesn’t make you a critic anymore than the ability to write makes you a writer.
Now as for the 99% of Hollywood Studios…commercial success isn’t completely defined by what Hollywood accepts. You forget that there is a world market and movie that might seem cheap or crappy or an idea that doesn’t follow Hollywood’s standards of what is good might do well and be a mega smash hit overseas. Take Bollywood for example. Their movies wouldn’t do well over here, but they do just fine over there. Besides who makes you the absolute authority on what Hollywood will and won’t accept? Have you applied to 99% of Hollywood studios?
Now this is just my opinion and you can hate me for it or respect it. It seems to me that you are being overly critical of a system that you don’t really care about just to gain interest in your own pursuits. If you are such an expert; then what have you done to prove it. What movies have you optioned? What deals are you negotiating? What agency reps you? Please show us the validity of your words with proof. If you have none then you seem to be nothing more than a whining complainer looking to gain from Amazon Studio’s short comings. Anyone can put together a wordpress site and bitch about something but what are you doing to fix it. After all if you aren’t a real part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Sure you mention suggestions but if you were really serious you would stop being so harsh and critical and more helpful. Not saying you have to give handouts to the needy, but do you really think that crushing people will make them better writers?
A flawed system is not repaired by causing more damage to it.
As for Michael Coady; can’t really comment on that because I don’t follow pointless battles between two people unless one of them has a chair in hand or has a hell of a right cross.

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