17 May 2011

#92 Not To Fail

Why do I continue to put myself through this when it has yet to pay off?  A large part of what I do is to be recognized for my talent and ability, and on that I have to say, I have failed.  Even this blog that I have maintained, has no audience.  No one comes here.  It's as if I am talking to myself.  Maybe that is what I am doing.  Just getting my words out in hopes that someone will read them and find hope and inspiration.  I guess it's hard to be inspired when you are trying your best and yet hardly anyone recognized your ability.  Even still I have this thing in my head that tells me that I have to succeed some day.  Even though I am pushing really hard not to breakdown (again) It's just really tough.  I don't know what else to do or where else to go to find what it is that I need to go on.  I've tried a lot of different options to meet success, and yet I never seem to reach it.  All I know how to do is to trudge on like a soldier who is at his limit.  My body may be the Biggest Loser, but for the most part, my spirit is pure Rambo.  Subconsciously I don't know how to fail when it comes to something I am so passionate about.

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