15 December 2011

#127 F*** The Haters And Critics (Learn to take the hits)

No matter what you do, there is always someone who is going to take a crap on your work.  They will have reasons why it sucks to them, and nothing you can do to appease them is going to make a difference.   Eiko has it's share of fans, and it has it's share of detractors, critics and out and out haters. They hate on it for various reasons.

  • It's too anime-ish
  • It will fail as a motion picture because of The Last Airbender
  • It's too chopsocky. (hate that term)
  • It has too many characters (Huh)
People have their opinions and I respect that.  Sometimes a critic can be a good thing, especially when they analyze your work from the middle of the fence.  They judge it based on something more than raw emotion and the fact that they are not going through some sort of mental breakdown of hate towards your work.  A good critic will find the flaws in your work that you with your authors/screenwriters rose colored glasses missed.

I'm not talking about those types today.  

I'm talking about the internet trolls and douchebags who knock on your work for the simple reason of not having anything else to do.  The ones who say mean and nasty things because others like what you have created, and the more people that like your work, the more they hate it.  The anti establishment types who hate on anything that has become successful and loved by millions.  You can look it up.  Type in the most popular books or movies, then type in google the name of that and add sucks at the end.

That's a lot of HP haters
Even when you are a multi-billion dollar cultural phenomenon, there are people that are just going to hate you.

It will hurt your heart if you let it, especially when these haters will summon the very depths of their hatred towards whatever you have poured your soul into.  When the speak it will be as if they are defecating on your soul with as much regard as if your book were their own toilet.  Don't let it get to you.

Hater's are gonna hate. 
Critics will criticize.

You have to accept that this is the balance to the force.  If there is good and people cheer your efforts, so is there bad and they will hate what you do.  You have to take the sting from your detractors to minimize the damage and see if there is anything worthwhile amid all the venom.  Sometimes a critic/hater will actually have something useful to say, something that you may not have noticed.  Something that dare I say, you may have overlooked.  You just can't get disturbed by what the negativity.

Sylvester Stallone said it best in Rocky Balboa...
"You gotta learn to take the hits."

Haters will always hate so all you can do is concentrate on the ones that love your work.  If you are up to the challenge, you can try to change a hater into a fan, but if not, just accept that they will always exist and you cannot truly exist without them.

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