19 January 2012

#141 Picking Up The Pieces (Continuing Forward)

Yesterday was really rough on me.  I didn't know what I was going to do or whether or not I could pick up what was left of my damaged self-esteem and continue down the path that I have been traveling.   My response yesterday was a cry for help, not a pity party.  I've always had to deal with this sort of thing and in light of what happened, well you can imagine why I would want help from others.  In the end, I know that I am responsible for my own fate.  It is with my hands that I would eventually build up my future or tear it down and fall into a pit of despair.

Things are going to be tough for a while, and with no immediate income my standard of life will have to change a bit.  Things are going to be tough for me and my family, but that doesn't mean that they will be impossible.  I didn't get anywhere just because things got tough.  I'm better than that, and I know that I am.  I guess it's good for me to express my feelings aloud instead of keeping them in.  It's good that I share all of my experiences with other instead of just limiting them to the good ones.  In order to follow my path, you have to see the trails and tribulations as well as the victories and successes.

This was one of my darkest days, but it wasn't my darkest by far.  I've been kicked down before and I always stood up in spite of it.  This time will be no different.

I'm strong, I'm smart and dammit people like me and they like my work.  I may be bleeding, I may be staggering and my opponent (life, success) is a 7 foot tall bruiser with fist like blocks of concrete, but it won't be the first time I stood up after a beating, and it sure as hell won't be the last.

As long as I have two hands, two feet, two eyes and a brain that refuses to let me stay down no matter what, I will bleed and bruise, but I won't stay down.    When I get up...I've got something chambered to unleash upon the world.

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