06 January 2013

#173 You're Not Invisible; You're A Ninja

For the longest time, I' felt like an invisible man, hidden from the world.  I felt like a man trapped in the realm of shadows, unable to be seen or heard or experienced.  I elaborated on the feeling in a previous blog post.  

Now I have come to realize that after all this time, I am not invisible by choice.  I am invisible by nature.  

I am a Ninja.  

Creative types live and breath by their audience.  The audience (fans, followers, whatever you want to call it) are what help them realize their true potential.  It is when an audience has been achieved that a creative type realizes that they have reached a new level.  However getting to that level can be a major struggle.

People will generally assume that you don't matter, until you matter.  You're nothing, until you are something...

But that isn't true.  You see a ninja is a skilled warrior of many battles.  They know to stay in the shadows to avoid being seen or heard, and only to strike when the time is right.  To attack to soon, would give them away.  Attack to late, and they miss the target.  It's always about the right moment.  You don't know when the right moment is, until it happens, but until then you remain hidden to the world.  Your attack is becoming successful.  Most times you won't realize it until it is upon you.

I stopped believing that I was the invisible man and realized I was a ninja.  There are many of us outthere.  Writing in notebooks, or laptops in Starbucks.  We constantly pursue our target (success).  Those that give up, those that make constant excuses lack the fortitude to complete the mission they started.  To be the writing type of ninja, remaining invisible until it is our turn.

You are a ninja.  Never forget what you have learned and what you are capable of.  Stalk from the shadows until it is your time.

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