23 October 2013

#178 How far are you willing to go?

Carvers are a varied group.  They have the divine spark of creativity  but for every one of us only a select few will go onto achieve any sort of fame.   I know the struggle all to well. I'm struggling as are most of you who have yet to create the great American literary masterpiece.   So my question is a simple one.
How far are you willing to go to reach your goals.  

Whether it is a screenplay,  a novel  or whatever it is you are creating; how far are you willing to go to get to the end point.? 

What are you willing to sacrifice? 
Can you see the bigger picture? 
Can you see the finish line even though your spirit is drained and your body beaten? 
How much is it worth to you?  

This is not a matter of financials; this is about fulfilling the goals you set for yourself.

If you haven't asked yourself this question then perhaps it's time that you did. Nothing is gained without hardwork and sacrifice. So what are you willing to do?

I'm not asking the popular question expecting the clean PG-13 answer. I'm asking the question of how bad do you want to succeed and what lengths will you go to make it happen.

Think I'm repeating myself? That's intentional  because most likely you still haven't answered the question. 
It's time to take a moment to inventory your life and everything in it.  You need to know what you can live with and what you can live without.  Where you  can't go and where you can  and most of all how much of your morals you are willing to compromise.

If you can stay true to yourself and make it A-list status in your chosen field then more power to you my friend. If not then be prepared for some serious soul searching.

You are only one cog in a series of large machines and it is up to you to figure out how to become the gear that drives others.

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