31 December 2013

#184 From 2013 to 2014

Considering how successful I've been in 2013, I'd like to be clear on exactly what I want to achieve in 2014.

You see,  the year 13,  had not been kind.  I've realized what has been in my way.  I realized my own missing piece.  The only thing stopping most people from reaching the next plateau...


Goals to lofty.  Dedication to lax.  Motivation to shaky, inspiration not enough.  What ever the reason we create,  people always see the start of a new year as a reason to start over fresh.   The are the caterpillar once again trying to become a butterfly.

When I said that 2013 was successful,  it isn't because I sold a lot of books or made a lot of money.   What made it successful was that I narrowed my version is success to something more obtainable. Kept it small and manageable and most importantly realistic.  I obtained small things, achieved small victories. I then used the momentum to push me forward so that I could reach something greater.

That's what a year is supposed to be like.  A series of progressive events.

So now that we have gotten that out of the way,  let's talk about what I plan to do with the next year.


In 365 days I have the opportunity to completely change my life.
What I want to achieve is a measure of success that is clearly defined and obtainable within my current means.  As my means change so do my goals.

I want wealth,  power and success.

I want to see my children grow up to be productive and happy citizens.

I want to see my stories become successful and profitable franchises on their own.

Now for the plan.  Changing the  I want into what I really want to see in the present.

All my goals will be listed in the present.   So for my children... It will be. 

I see my children as productive and happy citizens.

I have wealth,  success and power.

I have achieved  measure of success that is clearly defined.

My goals are simple and complex but they are attainable.  They are what I will focus on and give a large amount of energy to.  My goals not only benefit me  but my family as well.   I don't want to create empty goals filed with empty resolutions.  I will  create powerful meaningful goals and then see them through.

If you think it can't happen then remember this:   Fortune which often favors the strong can happen in the blink of an eye. That means in 365 you have more than enough opportunity to change yours.

Peace and happy new years

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