20 August 2014

#188 The Yin and Yang of Good days and Bad days.

No matter what you do, you're going to have good days.  These are the days that seem to matter to you.  They are the ones where everything falls in place, when nothing goes wrong.  You love these days.  I love these days.  Even the little things that go wrong, don't seem so bad.  We always want these days.  We want them outnumber the bad days.
Then there are the days where nothing seems to go right.  Every little bad thing seems ten times worse than it should be.  Every word said by another person, every action you take,, every little iota of every thing is just another weight on your shoulder.

Good days and bad days.  The Yin and Yang of our daily existence.  We can never predict when the day will be either.  That's actually a good thing.  

While we always want to have good days, it's the bad  ones that we need at times and we often don't understand why.

So why do we need bad days?  Why can't everyday be good?

The reason behind this is simple.

Without bad days, we have no way to weigh how what a good day actually is.  If you only have good days, then there is no way you can appreciate the good ones.  If you always have good days, then you are unprepared for when the inevitable bad day strikes.  It is impossible for us to have only good days.  There's just no way.

When we have a good day, we usually compare it to a previous bad day.  Upon doing that, we realize that our bad day wasn't as bad as we remember it.  Good and Bad are entirely subjective and based on our perspective.  How can you compare a day when your car died versus a day when you lost a friend or a family member?  We only acknowledge them as bad because of how they made us feel.  Good days are the exact same way.  A day when you won ten dollars on a scratch off is considered good, but a day when you got a raise is also considered good.  See, entirely subjective.  

Good and bad may come in various amounts but things are rarely as bad as they seem.  So, how do you deal with the bad days? 

The only thing I can offer is this:  Try to remember a good day that you had in the past.  Remember what made that day *good*.  If it is something that you did, try to recreate it.  If it was good based on some random cosmic event, well you have less control over that.  That's more in the hands of fate than anything you can accomplish, but you have more control over your good and bad than you realize.

It may seem like a trope but the real secret is to focus on what made things good.  Focus on what you did that helped maintain that good feeling and keep at it.  

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