31 December 2014

#197 Facing The New Year

What does 2015 hold for us?

None of us can ever predict, what a new year holds.  For people it's a chance to start fresh.  For business and finance, it's a new fiscal period.  For governments it's when new laws and policies go into effect.

For me, it's usually just another day.

That doesn't mean it isn't a joyous occasion, but it is really just another transitional point.  The practical me see's one thing while the sensational me sees another.  I'm going to go with the sensational me.

2015 is about new beginnings.  It's the start of a new change.  I don't know what those changes will be.  2014 is on it's way out and I'm going to leave some of the negativity that it brought, behind me.  I will take the good that was gained in 2014 and allow it to help carry me forward.

I'm not going to make a bunch of false promises or empty resolutions.  Instead I'm going to take what I've learned and what I've gained and use those things to make my life easier.  I'm going to cement the relationships I've made, and utilize the things I've learned.  Most of all I am going to love harder than I ever have.  My girls, my family, my friends.  I will be a better person for them and for myself.

If 2015 means anything, it's the year where the things that give my life purpose, will know what they mean to me.

It means fulfilling promises no matter what, and making sure that my decisions benefit me in the best way possible.

We are only here for a short time, so let 2015 be the start of the good time.


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