19 June 2015

#206 Rocksmith 2014: 60 Day Challenge: Week 5

Can a true novice learn something as complex as the electric guitar?

When you do anything long enough, you question if it is working.  Dieting, Exercise, Learning new languages or in this case; learning an instrument.  If progress is not reflected, you become discouraged.  You want to give up.  You begin to wonder,  "Why did I even try?"  But once you have made progress, you wonder, "How far can I progress?"  Rock Smith claims to teach you to play guitar in 60 days.  That is a lofty claim, but they believe in it. Go to Rocksmith Facebook Page and you'll see many that agree.

Now, so do I.  Ladies and Gentleman.  Here is my proof.

I made a real progression.  Further than when I started. I made my first 100% in Rock Smith 2014.  The score doesn't represent a perfect playing.  It doesn't represent a mastery of the task.    It shows that I have an understanding of the subject. 

I am far from a master.  I have room to grow.  The electric guitar is a complex instrument.  The great masters have had years to practice their skills.  I am know where close to them, but I am on the right path.  Someone like me can achieve 100 percent.  This gives me a sense of accomplishment.

This wasn't something that came without difficulty.  I struggled with this for the past 5 weeks, but somehow I was able to achieve a simple result.

Where we go from here?

The 100 percent encouraged me to see how much my ability has improved.  Feeling the best place to test this was the Guitarcade.  My previous attempts were terrible.  My leaderboard rankings an abomination.  Now; my knowledge of the strings, the frets and their relations to each other has grown.  To my benefit; I now have calloused finger tips, which makes playing longer; easier.

The attempts were astounding; at least for me.  Scale Racer, Scale Warriors, Gone Wailing and Ninja Slide N.  I played each one.  To my amazement; progress. Real undeniable progress.  

The pictures reflect this.


 At Week 5, I now possess a slight proficiency in playing the guitar.  This is exciting!  Rock Smith 2014 can teach you to play.  What will next week hold?  I don't know, but I can't wait to see.

Keep shredding!

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