10 July 2015

#210 Rocksmith 2014 60 Day Challenge Conclusion

The Epic Conclusion

Did you have a good holiday.  Yes, no?  Doesn't matter.  You didn't come here for formalities.  You want to know if I've been sticking to my resolution. You want to know: did Rocksmith teach me to the guitar?   Can it teach you to play?  You want answers and you want them now. 

I've got your answers.
Learning to play guitar using Rocksmith 2014 has been a blessing.  For six  weeks, I've spent over eighty hours practicing techniques.  I've learned basics and  some of the complex ones.  Terms and phrases are no longer strangers.  I'm familiar with the feel of each string and it's position on the neck.   I've developed many great things.  Muscle memory, a sense of rhythm, the ability to improvise and even how to read tabs.
The question  remains; have I learned to play the guitar?

The answer is: Yes.

Rocksmith 2014 did teach me to play the guitar.  It did not teach me to play it well, but that comes with practice.  Let's face it; I'm not ready to replace Angus Young. I have a long way to go to develop the next major step: mastery.   What it does mean is that I understand the guitar as an instrument. I'm akin to a student driver that just got his license.  I'm not Ken Block or Mario Andretti; yet.  
I've gained something else, something intangible.  Learning guitar gives me confidence.  It gives me a boost of pride and a swell of ego.  With more practice, I can (and will) become quite a proficient player.  Someday I may even play along with my Uncle, Stann Champion. 

What does this mean for you?

If you've never played the guitar; Rocksmith 2014 is for you.  It will help you learn to play music.  It will help you learn the guitar.  
If you already know how to play. Rocksmith can help keep your skills sharp.  It can even teach you techniques you don't know.

Where to go from here?

My next steps are to continue practicing.  I want to be a proficient and versatile player.  That doesn't come easy, but it does come with practice.  
My goal is to write some music, compose some melodies, that sort of thing.

In conclusion

Rocksmith 2014 does what it says and lives up to the hype.  There's no fluff or false promises.  It teaches you based on practice, repetition and hardwork.  It's a well designed product that straddles the border between entertainment and education.  Bon Scott sung it best:  There's a long way to the top if you want to Rock and Roll.  Rocksmith will shorten that trip.
Keep shredding'

P.S.   If you are going to get the game, I recommend the PC version.  Even though it uses Uplay (which many seem to hate) it also connects through Steam (which many seem to love.)  The reason for this is simple, but I won't spoil it.  Instead I'm posting the link to my "other" main reason for getting the PC Version.  I'm certain you'll find one or a dozen reasons to go for the PC.   Trust me, it's worth it.

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