12 August 2016

A new direction...same intensity

You might be wondering what is going on with that last post.   

It's simple really.  I'm tired of being where I am in life.  My writing career has stalled and no matter how much effort I put into it, I can never get a suitable return.  

The website hasn't taken off either.  At the time it seemed as if nothing other than my children would grow and develop.  This type of mental setback can be frustrating.

What's a man to do?  I'll tell you.  He goes back to the basics. 

Reigniting Passion

I had to find what it was that I was passionate about, that I could turn into something that I was willing to do.  Something that had the potential to turn a profit.  This is the mindset I had as an author and one that I still maintain.  I wanted to look at my direction from a business standpoint, so I took some classes through a few MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses).  The MITx Launch.X class for Entrepreneurs has been a boon to me.  The class provided a lot of knowledge that could be applied to any type of entrepreneurial pursuit.  It was this class that helped reignite my passion, narrow my focus while while providing the foundation of a business like structure.

The Rules

Now that I had some knowledge and insight onto the entrepreneurial path, I had to discover what it was that I wanted to do. I created a set of criteria to help me determine whether or not something was viable.  In order to be viable, an idea;  
  • Has to be capable of turning a profit
  • Has to be something I can enjoy regardless of mood
  • Has to be something in which I possess sufficient skill and knowledge of.
  • Has to be something with a quick turnaround time.
  • Has to be something with low to zero entry cost (free being the preferred cost)
Anything that failed to meet those criteria was rejected.  

Careful Consideration

I was left with a few ventures that met all five. The next issue was to remove all contenders until there was only one left.  So I took a week and played around with some figures.  I did all sorts of reading on a variety of different subjects and of course got my hands dirty.  I wanted to see what it was that I could do that would meet the criteria.  

These are items that didn't meet the criteria.

Photographer, Author, Journalist, Videogame Developer, Web Developer, Idea Innovator.

Yes, being a writer failed the criteria. This doesn't mean that I'm no longer going to write.  I will find the opportunity and desire to write from time to time, but it will not be my primary focus.  It would be easier to give up a kidney than to give up writing.  Writing has been a part of my life for over 20 years, so I cannot put it aside and never pick it up again.  

The Result

There was an endeavor that met all the criteria.  It was something I was capable of doing in my spare time and could grow a business from.  It spoke to my entrepreneurial spirit  in different ways.  I had the skills to do it, and the turn around time was as long or as short as I need it to be.  It was perfect and best of all; the hurdles and the field competition could all be alleviated in time.  I could start off small scale, investing time and creativity and up the scale over a period of time.`

This was something I gave a lot of consideration to.  It wasn't going to be a novel idea or one plucked from pure whimsy.  There was going to be a calculated effort behind this.

Nytmaer Youtube Banner Anime Gaming Film, Artwork by Fred Perry of Gold DIgger fame
Any idea can be validated by passion and execution.  With that I'm announcing my plan to become what I already was, only better this time: A Media Content Creator.  

I started with my Youtube Channel and when things work out, I'll branch out to other avenues.  

I'll also use this blog and my corresponding social media accounts to help.  I've taken a lot of time to develop a process, as well as figure out what type of content I'll produce.  Having a Youtube channel isn't new for me, since I've had one since 2006.  Originally used to host my backyard wrestling videos.  This isn't going to be easy, but I've laid the groundwork and with time, I know I'll be able to make this into the first of many successful ventures.

Please join me on this endeavor.  I'll look forward to your arrival.

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