28 September 2018

Warframe: Exodia arcanes are they worth the grind?

This is overdue.  My bad Tenno!

Recently in one of the Warframe Facebook Groups I'm a part of, someone posted this.
Exodia arcanes are they worth the grind?

This is of course because DE re-released the Plague Star Event for the next two weeks.  Anyway;This is what got me thinking.  Ever since Plague Star first appeared in 2017, I've been focused on becoming a premiere Exodia Contagion wielder.  In most of the missions where I often find myself the most (Hydron, Berehinya, Plains of Eidolon, Akkad) I rarely find another using them, even though that a very useful weapon; a virtual double edge sword.  So I responded with the following as a sort of recommendation.

Let me provide a little story to give you some context of why these are worth the grind. 

First time Plague Star happens, I spend the time grinding for a few of these Exodia Contagion arcanes. 


I realize early on that these have the potential to be a fairly useful utility on an already great set of weapons. After practicing with them for months and learning the art of throwing them; I realize how powerful of a weapon they are. 

1. They can go on any melee Zaw.
2. They use no ammo.
3. They can pierce Limbo's Cataclysm.
4. Inflicts viral
5. Can be controlled by Ivara
6. Has incredible range
7. Scales well.
8. Makes a great distraction when retreating.
9. Does AOE when it hits.

If you get really good at throwing them; you can get pretty good with actually hitting mobs with the blade. A good test of your throwing skills is to go to Akkad and head to the back of the level. There are now two door ways in front of you. Attempt to throw your infested blade through the doorway. Each type of zaw has a certain rhythm to the release of the blade, with Polearm weapons having a faster release than Nikana Zaws. So get use to the release of the blade because the weapon does splash damage and is more than capable of killing you. On more than a few of my frames even my tankier frames; I've managed to one-shot myself, but that's all apart of the experience. If you practice with it, you learn how to send it down a straight hallway by adjusting the arc of your throw.

Writing this I realized that the powerful Exodia Contagion is a definite skill as much as coptering ever was.  As a damage dealing option it is capable of even dealing damage to Eidolon's when their shields are down. I realize how important of an edge it is to be someone who has spent considerable time attempting to master it.  I'm not there, but I think I have an edge on most, and I am in the process of maxing it out.

It is my goal that if DE is to last and Warframe last for a longer period of time, that I am able to teach this skill to Alpha Hunter's new recruits as a necessary skill.

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