18 December 2019

This is who you are...for now

I've spent a lot of time exploring the Veil Proxima's.  Looking for whatever caught my interest at the time.  Right now, other than a very limited game mode with limited tile-sets, Empyrean is very limited.  At least that's what's been going around the interwebs.  Mogamu, Quiette Shy, DK Diamantes all have very strong opinions about the current state of Railjack and to their credit; they are right.

As It Stands...

Empyrean is not what we were shown at Tennocon 18 or 19.  It's  resembles that complete thing, but it's not that thing that we saw that knocked our socks off.  The glitches are game breaking as is the host migration (which has always been a problem)  .  I could reasonably bitch about the damage scaling being absolutely horrid; but that's not even the biggest problem.  The biggest problem is that it's fun and we know it's going to get better.

Empyrean is in such an early stage that I started to realize something.  All the other pieces that have been revealed to us in the past are features that kind of exist and haven't all been properly connected.  You know like when you've got all the pieces to your weapon but you have hit build yet.  At least with that process; you know how everything is going to work together.  You press BUILD and it just works.  DIGITAL EXTREMES doesn't have that option.  There is no way they can build something major on to Warframe and not have it be bug free.  I've studied programing and game design and while I can't understand everything I do get it on a basic level.

Empyrean hasn't changed in it's intention.  Like Melee 3.0, every part of railjack that is released likely has to go through a phase where it must be publicly tested, but also to satisfy the massive demands of the community, the concept of release it as beta starts to come to mind.  Empyrean is a large undertaking so having the community sort of test it until it breaks seems smart.  There's no other way to get that much raw data in what will work according to design, short of a massive machine learning project and that's just wasteful.  DE is getting good feed back and they are tweaking as the learn.  The mode has it's game breaking glitches, but imagine how much feedback they are getting about them.  Imagine trying to look for problems and then your users say "'ey, here's a fucking problem m8te!"

To be connected

Steve said that it was about connecting.  The connections have to be tested once they are connected.  There's a hierarchy to these things, processes to follow.  So, give Digital Extremes some time people.  I know we all want what we were promised, but considering that we do have it now and it's not just a pipe dream; we can be patient and stop bitching for once.  Let's play it.  Let's show them where those bugs are.  When it crashes lets flood them with bug reports.  It helps if they have all the data that the need.  

I get a good feeling from what I have played of it.  It's been a fun experience; even on random ships.  I've learned how to be a good crewman and I'm learning to be a good captain.  I've taken the Shanks approach, and have tried to be the best crewmen I could be.  I worked hard to get through each of the Proxima's, dealing with the increasingly growing levels while analyzing my constantly dwindling damage.

I've seen some bugs, but I've also seen the sheer joy from fighting off swarms off fighters, or infiltrating a base and fucking it up so you can advance.  Empyrean is a good time, but it's also a turd, but I don't think Empyrean will stay a turd.  I get the feeling that more is definitely, definitely on the way.  I'll hold my ultimate judgements until there is more to speak of.  Warframe didn't have all it has now when I started playing, but I was patient and Railjack in a way is the reward of the patience.

Not perfect, but I think it's vector is headed in the right direction.

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