09 February 2020

Living in my Cyberpunk Future

As I sit here at my desktop to right this, the light of the kitchen catches my eye.  A momentary distraction as my fingers continue typing this.   I look around at my mess of an are.  LED's, Arduinos and Lasers dot the landscape, meanwhile Resonance by Home is playing in the background.  

I've started to realize that I'm living in my cyberpunk future.  We were always told that the future was this crazy thing, so separated from the normalcy of the fools present.  From the 1960's through the early 2000's, science fiction told us that we would have flying cars.  Even the Jetsons predicted that we would be using robots in our households on a daily basis to clean.  

The visionaries of the future were right; they just didn't have the look down.  So much can influence the way people dress.  What's old is out, but then it's in again.  Bellbottoms, Leggings all experienced a resurgence at various times.  Will wearing backwards clothes like Kris Kross and wearing e-sports gear like we used to rock Niners and Bulls Starter Jackets? 

The past always comes back.

I was big into thinking about the future as a kid.  That's why I loved sci-fi especially the future stuff.  I wanted to escape from the present which as a prepubescent of the 80's, it was a media dark age and I was in a space that didn't appreciate my eccentricities.  I was more into the futurism because I saw things I wanted to see.  I wanted the cool technology and flying cars that could slip through time; because to me that was always an adventure and adventures are cool to kids.

Distracted by thoughts of the past; the song I'm listening to now is Hold by Home, who has become one of my favorite retrowave musicians, which is funny.  Retrowave is supposed to be the music of the past in the future and it's the future of the original music.  I'm reminded as I jump from thought to thought that the future is the one that we create for ourselves.  I don't mean  that metaphorically.  The future I've created involves a lot of tech.  Surrounded by microcontrollers, resisters, caps, breadboards and such; I'm looking to become a Maker to help build my future.  I'm invested into virtual tech and how to use it for education purposes.  Maybe it's all in my head tho.  

Maybe cyberpunk is a mental break from reality, because that's what I'm experiencing.  There's a connection to a blind hopefulness that is integrated with something very technical.  I don't see it yet, because I haven't quite learned how, but like a plucky antagonist of an 80's scyberpunk novel, I'm on the case and I've not lost my mental capabilities yet.

With all that's going on in the world; I owe myself as a believer in justice and goodness to do something more than just get on social media and complain.  I know how the world works, but that's what those books taught me.  They taught me what to do when things go south, and how to recover.  I always wanted to be the hero of my own story and in some cases that is exactly what has happened.

I'm to become the cyberpunk with no computer hacking skills.  It's like Arifuete's Hajime who was able to overcome his odds even when he wasn't physically capable.  There stood something in his way until there was a breakthrough.  

That's why, I'm Living in my Cyberpunk Future...because I either use all these tools to be the hero or be lost in the crowd and nameless.

None of us know what the future holds and not knowing what the future holds is both terrifying and exciting, but you know what; you only go around once.  Twice if you're lucky.  If life gives me another opportunity, to shine harder than ever; I'm going to make that hero of my own story thing a real thing and end up on an adventure.  At least that's what I'm shooting for.

I know this seems a bit over the place, but it's late and I wanted to make sure I wrote something.  I've been working a lot so I don't get to really blog like I like, (plus I'm shit at keeping a schedule), but I do have a legitimate love for this blog and enjoy writing it even if nobody watches or reads. Anyway off to bed for me.  I've got the 9to5 in the morn.  

Take care.

Stay awesome...

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