02 February 2020

Mad Sparks rambling

An experiment. Basic.

A very small, insignificant thing.  Child like in it's simplicity.  Literally so simple even a child could do it, in fact many have.  Many children and adults have done it, made videos on it, Mastered it.  Many of them will probably be better at it than I ever will.  They've had way more time to grow with it, to learn it, to gear their learning around it.  I'm a newcomer.  I'm terrible at math.  I've got a terrible memory.  I've got a genius level mind and only mediocre results.

In no way should anyone ever expect me to succeed...

In no way should it succeed.  There's not even a point to it.  I'll never duplicate anything that anyone else hasn't done better or with more money to spend on doing it.  I'm just a tinkerer and I haven't built anything.  This is just another waste of money that will go nowhere like everything else.  I don't even have the educational background to be any good at this.  I'm likely going to get tired of it and quit like I have everything else.  Because that's what I do when it gets hard; I quit.  Who am I kidding?  What's the point?  Everything is really a waste of time if everyone has already done it and done it better.

What's the point of doing something when others have done it?

Have you had enough self/doubt?

That's a taste of mine when ever I try something new.  I've tried so many new things and don't stick with them because I reach a point where I feel like they aren't panning out.  Sometimes I quit before I've seen any real progress; discouraged to a point of a deep and dark depression and feelings of inadequacy.   That's the so called Bitter Darkness.  If Purple had a flavor other than grape.  Much better than Hopeless Despair, but a hindrance to progress and future progress.  It's a never ending cycle.

But it's not the end.

I remind myself that No one ever been has ever been me.  No one will ever accomplish what I would have.  Few see the world through eyes like mine, so I may come up with an off-the-wall idea that no one has ever thought of.  Human beings think they've created everything under the sun, but they forget there are stars much bigger.

My awareness is greater than many and that will lead me to something much closer than mere chance.

"There's a whole universe full of untapped resources."

If I keep going, I may just discover a pattern or a key to something that no one has ever heard of.  You don't have to be a genius to discover gold, but it does help.

I'm going to keep at it.  Doing little pieces here and there and when the opportunity to grow further appears, I won't run from it.  I'm going to reach the greatness I was always meant to aspire too and I'll help others along the way; but first I got some sciencing to do.

"The ramblings of a Mad Spark are usually incoherent but there may be something useful there."

I wrote this a week ago, but I still felt it was relevant.

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