27 October 2022

Ken.AI: Brief Overview (full) What is it?

 With very little fanfare I've decided to take a major step towards financial freedom.  I created a store to sell some of my art pieces.  You know you want details right?

Well...  Welcome to the KEN.AI FAQ

What is KEN.AI?

KEN.AI is the artistic creation house for the Nytmaer brand.  Created in response to a need to generate works of art that look good from the office to the cave.  KEN.AI represents the cyberpunk mindset of the plucky opportunist looking for a chance in neon lit megacity.  His output is flavored from  years of consumption of various genres of media; cyberpunk being amongst the most well absorbed.  KEN.AI is the output for all that Nytmaer creates, edits and ultimately produces as physical works of art.

Why did your company appear?

I'd be lying if I didn't say Capitalism, but there's another deeper reason. All my life I've wanted to be an artist and I struggled over the years to find a place in the visual space. With years of experience in both photography, photo editing and working with artist; I finally found my niche and with that, comes the opportunity to share my works with the world at large.

How did your product idea appear?

Once you realize that you are starting to produce some fine images after a fair share of processing and a ton of trial and error, you start coming to the belief that this…looks…good.  Somebody will pay for this.  A two sided benefit appears; one side is that someone will pay for it; the other side is that the creator will be recognized for their effort.  Recognition creates value.

Without going into detail what does Ken.AI do?

Ken.AI is both the people and the process combined.  It's like the Skunk Works of ye old aerospace days of Lockheed.  We produce works of art from a very unique creative vision and using the tools and techniques available to us through experience and investment, we turn those pieces of art into physical works of art.

What is your message to the world?

Never give up on your dreams.  No matter how hard it seems; keep striving for the moon.  You only fail when you quit.

What types of customers find value in working with your brand and why?

We favor those with creative vision to see the deeper meaning behind some of our output.  Often our results can be off the beaten path, but like a certain 80's scribble, there  is a charm in chaos, there is beauty in the imperfection.

What is the deepest view into the people behind the company?

I'm a staunch believer in the power of the human spirit.  It is an undefeatable force if applied to a lever worthy enough to be wielded.

What is the concept that underscores your entire web presence?

I've been on the internet since it was young, I want to leave behind beauty and wisdom as befitting my name.

How does your product work in real life with different people?

We offer various products, but a T-shirt you apply by sticking it over your head and then putting your arms in the sleeves and your head out the hole…

What is the general mood of your brand?

We are a pretty excited bunch.  We've seen the future and it's a beautiful place; and the brand allows us to share much of that vision with you.

What are the common areas your followers can be interested in?

Based on the general interest around here I'd say it breaks down into several categories with                    some being…sub versions of another.

So….the basic categories of created output is thus:

Anime Girls: We're big fans of anime, going back many years so this in many ways is our  tribute to the entertainment that has given our life so much joy ever since we first discovered it.

Anime Guys: What would our youth have been without those shonen heroes?

Autokonceptua: Different automobile what-if's.  Nytmaer makes no secret about his love for cars.

Cyberpunk Princess:  Sort of an anime girl hold over, but we enjoy the visual contrast in the style so we try to find new ways to create that striking image that catches the eye.    

Taylor Swift as…:  Taylor Swift has features that are very desirable from a visual perspective.  Unique features, unique face; surprisingly it works well in nearly any genre.

African American Art: Trying to reproduce artstyles of my forefathers with unique sensibilities.

Cosmic: Little blue dot and a multiverse at work, produce some striking images.

Chrome and Curves: More Soruyama without mention.  This one is dedicated to ladies shrouded in chrome cybernetic implants.  You good choom?

Crystal Shields:  This one struck while looking for a template for something that was being worked on.  The detail came out so magnificently, that we were awestruck.

Cyberpunk: While tying in to Chrome and Curves. Cyberpunk for us is about the environment more than anything else.  It's a certain level of dystopian world but it still feels so potentially possible even though we've already passed the point that we were supposed to if you go by most movies and works of fiction.

Gundam Cyberpunk: Nytmaer has said that he is nothing if not a fan of Gundams and Mecha in particular, regardless it's series origin.

Environment: As a photographer, Nytmaer has a strong eye for landscapes and they remain among his favorites to shoot at the golden hour.  Our methods allow him to visualizewith his keen eye the worlds that have never existed.

Horror:  While generally avoiding horror as a theme in most works, Nytmaer likes to tap into that darkside, channeling sin and corruption and most of all the terror that comes from the notion of fear.

Psychodelic: This is for those who like to trip and have a good time.  Sometimes you just need something to stare at.  These are feel good images meant to make a good experience even better.

Pop: Ultra modern, ultra preppy, ultra retro, ultra everything.   A slap in the face and a french kiss to the notion of what pop was, is and what it says to the future.


Motivational: Because sometimes you just want other people to look at something and smile.  No matter how bad things seem; sometimes all you need to do is see the sunshine.

Some images are uploaded to the Original Nytmaer Instagram.  The vast majority go to the Nytmaer Deviant Art page.

Nytmaer's KEN.AI brand can be found exclusively on Etsy @ NytmaerCreations.

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