16 January 2023

The Path to Obtaining the Impossible: A Personal Story of Self-Improvement

Concept art for the first project under a new banner

Last August, I began my journey to change my life forever. I had always believed in the notion that you have to help yourself, no one will do it for you. Additionally, I firmly believed that history is a collection of lessons learned in the past. With these principles in mind, I embarked on my OTI Initiative, short for Obtaining The Impossible.

My goal was modest; Acquire new skills that would help me reach my aspirations. I focused on mastering 3D modeling using Blender, honing my coding and programming skills, and learning both the Unity and Unreal game engines. These tools would give me the foundation to pursue a career in game design and media production. I was determined to use this foundation to help me reach my impossible.

However, as time went by, I realized that the foundation alone was not enough. I needed a clear end goal, a destination for my efforts. I was putting the work in, but I still felt like something was missing. Then a certain mishap occurred. I lost my job. 

I kept working on OTI. Job applications in the day, 3D modeling by night. My dedication had not wavered, but I had to keep the lights on. I applied for temp work; something I hadn't done since my twenties. After a week of no jobs coming up, I decided to byte the bullet and do the only job that was available: A dishwasher at a local college. I really was at my lowest point, but something changed one day. While listening to a playlist of motivational quotes, I remember listening to motivational speaker Les Brown and he said this: 

"If you fall, land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up."

Another one was;

 "a setback is a setup for a comeback." 

(I've spoken on setbacks before and it was honestly good to receive some of the wisdom I put back into the universe.)

I turned to literature for guidance and inspiration. I started with the basics.  The Art of War by Sun Tzu, The Prince by Machiavelli, you know the classics.  I started wanting to broaden that, so read books on various subjects to broaden my perspective and knowledge of the the two most powerful subjects the world, and people. From there, I delved into physics, economics, self-help, philosophy, and psychology, averaging a book every two days. I consumed a wealth of knowledge in areas that I had never considered before.  Something about being in a place of learning; sparked me to do just that; learn.  

It was through this knowledge that I rediscovered the potential of starting a business. I was particularly inspired by the resources provided by Alux.com, a source of non-traditional thinking for those who desire to improve themselves. I realized that in order to legitimize my efforts, I would need to form a structured business. Sole proprietorship offered no advantages for what I was going to achieve. 

A structured business would give me access to a greater array of resources and benefits, such as the ability to hire freelancers and employees, which would enable growth. More importantly, it would provide a specific constraint to force me to succeed. The IRS only allows a business to operate for a period of time before determining it to be a hobby. This gave me a clear five-year deadline to make my business successful, which serves as a great motivator.

I also recognized that my scattered focus and lack of constraints were major factors that held me back in the past. I needed a specific goal and a clear vision to keep me motivated and focused. The OTI Initiative provided the means to acquire knowledge and charted the knowledge, but at the end, it provided no clear way to apply the knowledge to reach my aspirations. But now, with a clear destination in mind and a structured business, I am ready to take bolder steps towards success.

I am now ready to use all the knowledge that I have acquired in the past months to turn my impossible into possible, and my business will be the vessel to do so. I am determined to make this business successful, not only for the benefits it would provide, but also for the satisfaction and pride of turning something impossible into possible.

And now, I am excited to announce that I have taken the next step in my journey: I am now the founder of my official corporation; KURO LLC. and will be launching my game studio soon.  I am putting all of the skills and knowledge I have acquired to use in creating my own game. This game is the culmination of everything I have worked towards and it is a dream come true. I will be taking on all roles in the development process, from programming to art and design. It's a big task, and a greater risk, than anything I've ever done, but I am confident in my abilities and am excited to see where this journey takes me.

In conclusion, I urge you to join me on this journey Follow my blog for updates on my progress, and consider supporting my business by purchasing our products or becoming an investor. Together, we can make the impossible a virtual reality. Thank you for reading and I look forward to sharing my success with you.

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