30 January 2023

Worldbuilding 101: Nytmaer's Game Dev Blog

Building a believable and immersive game world is a crucial aspect of game development. It's the foundation upon which players will experience and interact with your game. The world you create can make or break the player's engagement, so it's important to get it right. In this dev blog, we're going to go over some key elements of world building and how they relate to the overall narrative of our game.

First, let's talk about the setting. The setting is where your game takes place and it's an important aspect of world building because it sets the tone and context for the game. The setting for our game, is the outskirts of a city destroyed by an unknown catastrophe. The world is filled with danger, decay and despair. The setting is not only important for world building but also for the narrative. The Wasted Lands is a harsh environment and it shapes the characters and the story in a significant way.

Next, let's talk about the characters. The characters in your game are the people who will be interacting with the world you've created. They are the ones who will be making the decisions and taking action. It's important to create a diverse cast of characters to help make the world feel more believable and alive. Our main character is a martial artist, looking for their family in the Wasted Lands. They will become a recognizable force in a dark and dangerous world. They are not just a protagonist but also the lens through which the player sees the world and the story.

Another important aspect of world building is the lore and history. The lore and history of your game world can help to make it feel more believable and immersive. In the Wasted Lands, the lore and history is shaped by the different factions that have emerged in the aftermath of that . Each faction has its own unique history, culture and beliefs. They have different ways of dealing with the dangers of the Wasted Lands and this gives the world a sense of depth and richness.

Finally, let's talk about the game mechanics. Game mechanics are the rules and systems that govern how the player interacts with the world. They can be physical, like jumping or shooting, or they can be more abstract, like leveling up or managing inventory. In our game, the game mechanics are heavily influenced by the setting and the characters. For example, the Wasted Lands are a dangerous place and the player needs to be aware of their surroundings and be able to defend themselves. This is reflected in the game mechanics and the combat system.

In conclusion, world building is a complex and multi-faceted task. By focusing on the setting, characters, lore, history, and game mechanics, you can create a believable and immersive game world that will captivate players and give them a place that they want to come back to.

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