19 March 2023

To the Underdogs...

 I saw this on FB this morning and it really spoke to me.  It spoke something significant and powerful about never giving up on your dreams.  Even when people  cross you off and mark you down because they think you've got nothing left, you show them that you aren't your past successes and failures.  You're the one who will make it.   I didn't write the original post

I'll have some commentary and my own thoughts on it in Italics and not a bad thing to say about the bunch.  Enjoy.

To The Underdogs...

Brendan Fraser was told his looks were fading as a Hollywood hunk. He was a medical liability on-set. He was just a late 90s matinee idol. A fluff performer with a handsome face and little skill. Tonight he took home Best Actor.

(Even though he did a bunch of stuff that I had not seen, I always loved him as Rick Schneider in the Mummy.  I have fond memories of going to see those films and they always remain a positive memory.  When I heard he was making a resurgence, I felt encouraged by it.)

Jamie Lee Curtis was a 'final girl'. A genre actress. Specialized in low budget trash, wasting her Hollywood royalty pedigree. Tonight she took home Best Supporting Actress.

(I always thought she was smart and sexy.  Never super controversial but a decent body of work.  Even if she is a final girl, she's one of the best damn ones that was ever born from a slasher film.  Not many people can say they survived so many bloody encounter in horror like she has.  She's done other stuff, but people are so quick to write you off once you're no longer hot.  JLC will always be  hot to me.)

Ke Huy Quan was a child actor. As he fell further into puberty, his roles dried up. He was the little Asian dork from those 80s movies, not a serious actor. He went 20 years without being cast because nobody thought he had talent. Tonight he took home Best Supporting Actor.

(This is kind of a secret, but he was amongst my genius/inventor crushes from back in the day.  They were the type of people I wanted to become.  I idolized inventors, but more so, I idolized inventors that were my age.  Were talking 80's here.  There was something good about Ke's presence on the screen.  I can still hear him saying "Dr. Jones"  and one of those memories I'll never forget (at least I hope not to) was the chompternutz scene from The Goonies (i'll find it one day)  This is where he became my inventor crush, because he was making stuff and I was only dreaming about it even if he was only an actor, it was the character that I identified with. I'm glad that in spite of being written off, that he came back from it.)

Michelle Yeoh was a Bond Girl whose looks were changing as she got older. An action star past her prime. Not 'lead role' material in Hollywood. Too old. Too unbankable. Too 'Asian' to carry a movie. Tonight she took home Best Actress.

(The way Hollywood portrays people as being a this or that; a hot for the minute, new thing.  Michelle has been one of those actresses who I've watched in many kung fu movies and more often than not, her presence contributed to the films that she was in.  She was able to physically keep up with the likes of Donnie Yen and Jackie Chan.  As an actress, she always portrayed  the type of person she often identified as, someone who defies the odds and fights at her strongest no matter what.)

Sarah Polley was a high school drop-out who was living on her own at the age of 15. She worked as an actress and writer during the day, and an activist by night. She was dropped by Disney for wearing an anti-war pin to an awards show, and a few years later, had her two front teeth smashed out by a riot cop during a protest over the Canadian conservative government. She wrote tonight's Best Adapted Screenplay.

(Never heard of her before, but I admire the courage to keep fighting, no matter who it is.  I'm glad that she got her chance to shine and I hope many more find the strength that she found to pursue their dreams.  Here's to you all)

There are a million barriers in life. Good guys don't always win. Underdogs don't always win.

But some nights they do.

Cheers to the underdogs.

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