09 July 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.8 (Obstacles)

As a writer, as human beings we often face various barriers in life. Sometimes the barrier resembles a brick wall, or an eight ball, sometimes it resembles a bill you can't pay or a job that you lost. In my case it resembles all of those things. This year I've seen as many obstacles including death. These obstacles just seem to pop out of the ground like speed bumps and then just shoot to the sky. Somewhere along the line I got caught between the brick wall and the eight ball. There is never a moment of normalcy where things are just okay enough for me to continue forward with no worries. I know that life isn't supposed to be easy, but a little peace and tranquility never hurt. There will always be obstacles in ones path. We must remember that no matter what path we take, it will never be like the Autobahn...more like Rushhour Traffic and parking downtown. (slow, congested, costly and frustrating) Yet somehow we persevere and try to find a path either over or around. One day my struggle will cease to be, as intense. Not through death but through success.

Obstacles seem to be inevitable nowadays. Economy is all screwed up, people losing jobs. We are all facing walls of every different sort. The farther we travel our path, the more walls we face. Some obstacles are related to our respected path, while others are related to everything else. Our friends, our families, our finances, our homes. We do what we can to knock down these walls only for new ones to sprout where the old ones perished. It's unfair that we have to deal with this. Adversity is supposed to make you stronger, but it seems like the only things getting torn down is us.

Yet there is always a crack in every wall. No defense, no matter how stout is perfect. Even an eight ball can be rolled in another direction. It seems tough but as long as we have conscious minds and healthy bodies. As long as we are able to shape and conceive, we can triumph in the face of insurmountable odds. Nothing; not even difficulty last forever as long as believe that we can overcome. Every wall no matter how tall, no matter how wide, can be torn down. Our hands and minds are jackhammers and dynamite. Where one wall is built, one can be torn down. As long as we never give up, we can continue the paths that we have chosen, and demolish anything that stands to keep us from that path. Humans are built that way and we are tougher than any wall or obstacle.

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