24 September 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.40 (Me and AP)

"I will try my best not to sound like an obsessed fan."

The path is going to take a slight detour with this entry. There is a certain company whom has given me years and years of steady, solid entertainment. I've grown closer to this company over the years and they have done much for me. My relationship with AP is odd when I think about it, but that is a good thing.

I started buying AP comics back in the early ninties. I was tired of regular mainstream comics (see Marvel, DC, Image) and was becoming hooked on manga. While looking through the back issue section of my local comicbook shop. (see Graham Crackers Comics) I ran across a few issues of Ninja High School. Now being a martial artist (interested in ninja's) and a high school student something about NHS reached out to me. Once I read it well needless to say I was hooked. NHS gave me a greater glimpse into manga as a whole with it's various cameos of sentai cliches and dynamic storytelling. I wanted more so I started snatching up issues as I could get them.

Ben Dunn became my favorite comic creator and I started following anything that he did, as well as anything AP did. When given the chance to interview someone for a citywide teen paper; I chose to interview Ben. That moment and Ben's friendliness and kind demeanor was cemented as one of my all time favorites next to interviewing Neal Adams (famous for his work on Batman, Superman, Greenlantern/Green Arrow, Xmen) . It was from talking with Ben, that I decided to work with AP in some fashion; though that would not come to fruition until years later.

While a major fan of AP, I started looking for more back issues and thats how I ran into their anthology; Mangazine. Mangazine was really ahead of it's time. When Anime and Manga was still in it's infancy and there were so few American made anime/manga magazines; Mangazine gave you reviews of new animes that were still in Japan. AP was ahead of the trend before it was a trend. Also Mangazine gave new artist and creators a chance to show their works. One creator of note was Fred Perry (creator of Gold Digger, Legacy and a few others)

Fred Perry had a particular style and an awesome sense of humor. While his work didn't stand out to me at first; I did like it enough to pick up the second issue of Mangazine that had the second part of his Gold Digger mini series. Years later while at my favorite bookstore I ran into the Gold Digger tbp. I started reading them as they contained more of the stories I had missed over the years and I was absolutely hooked. I could not get enough. Fred had a style of story telling that really reached out to me. I was simply amazed by the level of quality in the artwork and the way Fred presented it. The more I read, the more I wanted more. I bought the tpb's as my money allowed and then continued with the on going series.

AP books became more purchased than any of the other three comic companies combined. I knew this was the company for me. While a friend of mine wanted to work for the big three; I was determined to work for this company. I never saw them without hearts and flowers. They didn't seem so monolithic and unapproachable as the big three. I honestly felt I had a chance.

Of course things didn't work out the way I had planned. Destiny was not with me yet. I had submitted a few of my stories but without success. While AP would be willing to give someone like me a chance; they could not afford to take the risk of publishing someone without an artist. I was crushed, but not undetermined. The rejection was never personal; and that made it easier.
I'd have to say that AP's rejection was a contributing factor in my decision to shift from writing comic books to novels and screenwriting. Here is a secret that few actually know.

Because of my inability to hire an artist to work on my projects, I decided that I would switch to novel writing as a way to generate income in which I could hire someone to draw for me. Mind you I had always intended to become what I dub "The Triple Threat" but this was one of the factors that contributed to it. All for the sole purpose of working for AP. How is that for dedication?

As the years passed, I was still primarily buying AP books and a frequent contributor to the AP forums. When they announced they were coming to Anime Central; i realized that this was my chance to meet them. I met Joeming Dunn when AP attended Chicago Comicon/Wizardworld a few years back, and he was behind one of my favorite issues of NHS. This would be different because I had the ability to speak with them from the forums. I told them that if they were coming to town; i'd be there. Since this was their first time in Chicagoland, they might need a guide; I offered my services. Since for the most part they would be at the table for the three days of the con; I offered to be their go-for. water, soda, food. It didn't matter. I just wanted to help. Now at this point there are few conclusions that you could make about me.

A. Obsessed Fan
B. Obsessed and scary fan
C. Someone who really appreciates AP and the work they do.

Well they could have made the first two conclusions. They didn't. They befriended me and saw me as someone who was legitimately devoted to AP.

Over the years me and a few of the AP guys have become pretty good friends. Whenever they are in town for ACEN, we always have dinner; Usually at Giordano's.

While I have yet to produce a comic with AP, I've determined my friendship with them is the best thing to come out of it. Wes is my brother, and Fred is just such an awesome guy, J.L. is a sweet heart, Rod is really cool, Joe is very friendly, Robbie is a lot of fun.

This is the story of me and AP.

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