14 December 2009

Carving A Path To Success Pt.54 (Problems with POV)

Recently I decided to tune up my novel so that I could send it out and at least get some feedback and possibly a chance at potential publication.  After reading through it, several times I discovered a major error in my writing technique and an even bigger problem.  My novel consisted of two stories told at the same time.  While the stories were related to each other, they both had main characters.  My goal was to show how one story affected the other.  Then I did a little more research and discovered I had created a major snafu.  This snafu was POV.

You see both stories had their own main character and each character had their own unique POV.  As a beginning author, telling two stories with multiple POV'S can be problematic.  If someone were to read it, they might get confused. Now both stories reflect upon the events of the other; but they could just as easily be told in two seperate books; as opposed to cramming them into one.  Now I am forced with the decision to either split them into two seperate books and flesh out the details; or keep them all together and try to make it work.  If I split them apart then that means I am only half finished with both stories, and have a ton more writing to do.  This is troubling for me.  My story had a unique twist in that the character in one becomes the villian in another.  This was to show the definition of perspective; in that one person can be good in one place and evil in another.  I wanted to do this as a twist on typical fantasy fare.  Now I am not so sure that doing this in one story is a wise idea. I don't know if I have the skill to put it into a single book.  Heaven help me.

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