26 October 2010

#74 Tough Decisions

This is the hardest part when it comes to doing something that you love.  I've heard the tale of how people gave up on their dreams because of something world changing like the birth of a child.  It happened to my mom who gave up a chance to be a professional singer in order to raise me.  I've sort of managed to get away with following my dreams even with the birth of my other three children.  Still I've yet to hit the success mark.  Then I decided to take matters into my own hands. Never have I been closer to the oft pursued goal than I am now, but never have I faced a life challenge as difficult as I have with the birth of my daughter Halie.  Never have things been more difficult.

It is those times when most people are told to man up, get a job and take care of your family.  Forget your silly dreams and face reality.  Dreams don't put food on the table.  Only kids dreams.  If the words don't get to you, then the guilt and responsibility start to weigh on your shoulders.  The pressure becomes overwhelming.  You are stuck berween doing what you know is right and following the path you've known for so long.

Tough Decisions right?

Not really, at least in the long run.  The path I follow isn't just for wealth alone.  True I want wealth and success, but not just for having them.  I have no dreams of bling and a house on Cribs.  I want success and wealth true, but for the benefits it will bring to my family.  Heck not just my family but my friends and all the people I truly care about.  It is my dreams that I can make a living from and I will be better at it than any nine to five job I could get.  My talents and skills are all tied into my dreams.

No matter what happens in life, never give up on your dreams.  Use life changing events as motivation and gain motivation from life changing events, or something like that.

If you have cihldren then let their happiness spur for your dreams, but never give up on them.

Halie's presence in my life only makes me want to work harder.  Her growth makes me want to grow.  My struggles make me want to make hers and my other queens (Siana, Jori, Makala and Malaya) struggle less.
My kids have always given me purpose and joy and now I've got one more to drive that point forward.

The toughest decisions ae hard by nature, because of the split between what you want and what you need.  It's all a matter of focusing the two in the same direction, that way you double the efforts.

Never give up.

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